SamMon (+CherRisa) 🍭

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After a quick stop to their house to change and take their things, Sam and Mon left for their honeymoon. Their destination was the beautiful resort where they got the first time "married." This was mostly a request from Mon, and Sam agreed immediately without realising what this meant. During their first stay, they meet the owners of the resort: two women named Cher and Risa. The two older women were wives, and they were mostly the reason for which they got married the first time. Yeah... they do consider that moment their "first wedding."

Once they arrived at the resort, Sam stopped her yellow car. Mon wanted to get out when she realised that her wife was not moving. She looked confused at Sam then to where she was watching. She was looking at Cher, who was outside and speaking at the phone.

"Phi'Sam. What is wrong?" asks the younger woman.

"Nothing." said the older one.

During their short discussion, Cher entered back in the lobby of the resort. And only then did Sam start to move and exit the car. Mon let out an amused chuckle, even if inside she was pitting herself. How could she forget how competitive her wife was? Then she finally exited the car too and helped Sam with the suitcases. 

When they entered the lobby, they were meat with a happy Risa that was reading some papers behind the entry desk. Some time later, she straightened up and smiled at the two women. You could see on her face the fact that she was happy to see again the two women together here.

"Welcome... If I am not indiscreet. What is the occasion?" asks Risa.

"We are on our honeymoon." says Sam with no emotion on her face.

"Ha? Did I hear that correctly? Did you say honeymoon?" Cher's voice could be heard behind them. The older woman came fast in front of them to see the two newlywed better.

Sam answers back by only showing her expensive ring that Mon put today on her finger. Cher and Risa looked surprised at the two. Almost a year had passed from the last time they saw each other, and now they came back for their honeymoon. Risa was so happy that she ran and hugged Mon, while their wives were watching them.

"What a surprise!" says Cher while turning back to Sam. "However, I also see the old bead rings. Aren't they too cheap for your taste?" As an answer, she got a slap on her hand and scolding from her wife. 

After that quick quarrel, Sam and Mon left to their room with the promise that the four of them would have a double date tonight. Once in the room, Sam had a temper tantrum about the double date. Meanwhile, Mon ignored her and left to take a shower. Sam didn't see that the other woman left, so after she saw that she was alone in the room, she started to call her lover name. Mon answered only with one word, "Shower." But when Sam wanted to join her, she couldn't. Mon closed the door of the bathroom. This only amplified Sam's childish meltdown.

Later that day, Sam and Mon left the room ready for the date. Both of them were cloths that were similar enough to pass as matching outfits. Mon is wearing a long white dress with pink flowers on it, while Sam is wearing a white t-shirt with pink polka dots and grey trousers. 

When they arrived at the place where Risa said to meet, they saw the two older woman cross of each other at a table. The newlyweds were a little confused, but they decided not to complain, and Mon sat down next to Risa, while Sam took her place next to Cher. They started eating. A little conversation started between Risa and Mon about the food and how delicious it was. Meanwhile, the other two were just eating, but a tension could be felt between them.

"So when was the wedding?" asks Cher. "Today." answers dryly, Sam. "This morning, Phi." ads Mon. 

"What was the team?" asks Cher again. "Pink and white." answers, Sam.

"I didn't think that you would wear pink without being forced." says Cher. 

And that started an argument between the two. Both of them were hotheaded. And the argument took that long that they didn't even observe when their wives left the table. When they finally realised that they were gone, Sam and Cher started to search them around and scream their names, but they were nowhere near. 

So in the end they decided to work together to find their lovers. They searched everywhere: the lobby, the kitchen, Sam and Mon room, Cher and Risa room, but they couldn't find them. They started to grow in their concern about the other two women. They were close to calling the police when Cher saw one of her employee and asked them if they knew where Risa was.

"Ah... I saw Khun Risa by the pool. She was together with a girl with short." said the employee.

Just by hearing the answer, the two women ran to the pool. There, they found the other two speaking and laughing while drinking from two glasses of wine. If you didn't know them, you should think that the two are on a date. That, though, annoyed Sam much more that she was alright.

"I hope we don't interrupt anything?" says Sam.

"Oh... Did the two of you finish fighting? We got so bored, so we just left." says Risa with a little venom in her voice.

"Phi'Risa is right. We came here on our honeymoon, but you are too busy to trow fits over Phi'Cher." ads Mon.

"I don't know what you mean. I don't throw fits because of her." answers, Sam.

"Just admit it! You see each other in yourself, and this annoys you." says Risa.

"No!" scream Cher and Sam in the same time.

Mon and Risa don't answer. Just look at their annoying wives. Sam and Cher look at each other, then at their annoyed wives. Then, the two that were standing up ran as fast as their respective lover and tried to comfort the other for them to stop being mad at them. The four of them played a little in the water , and each of the couples left to their respective room.

In the end, the two couples were almost the same, but in different fonts. 


So... I finally, after more than a year, I finished Gap the series. And  sincerely, the episodes with Cher and Risa were so funny. I mostly loved the little fights between Cher and Sam. And I also felt like the two couples were kind of alike. I don't know how to explain. However a second GL one shot this week. I really need more GLs...

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