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Jc's pov

Yesterday was one hell of a day. After ghostface brutally murdered Olivia he made another attack on Sydney's publicist killing her as well, and apparently Charlie and his bozo friend got Sydney to be a guest speaker for the cinema club.

So I'm here at the school in support of my cousin but also my beautiful girlfriend Kirby as well, I've gotta keep an eye on Charlie.

-"and let me just say to our guest, Sidney Prescott, it's an honor." Charlie says grabbing my attention as everyone claps and cheers for my cousin. Damn she really is famous.

"Beyond Jamie Lee Curtis, forget Linda Blair, I mean, this is the ultimate." Robbie chimes in.

"Thanks, I guess." Sydney says. "This-" she says motioning towards her head, "you film your entire high school experience and what post it on the net?"

"Everybody'll be doing it someday syd." Wait a minute Syd? Who the hell does this kid think he is?

"Hold it rusty, I'm the only one who can call her that alright, relax." I interrupt

"My names not-"

"Anyway" Charlie interrupts before we get into our usual bickering. "That's kind of the one component the killers missing"

"Wait, what do you mean?" Gale questions interrupting again. Damn no one's gonna take these bozos seriously if everyone keeps interrupting them like this.

"Well, if you wanna be the new-new version. The killer should be filming the murders." Charlie starts.

"Yeah, it's the natural next step in a psycho slasher innovation. I mean you film them all real time, then before you get caught, you upload them into cyberspace." Roddy continues

"Making your art as immortal as you." Charlie adds on. Kirby looking over to me when she feels my eyes on her.

"Not to implicate him/me" they finish at the same time. Did they fucking plan this speech.

I smile at Kirby sliding my hand under to desk to hold hers. She just intertwines our fingers looking at Sydney when she speaks up, me I'm too happy right now to pay any more attention.

Kirby lets go of my hand making me frown until I see she's showing Sydney, Rodney's live video he's recording.

"—Modern audiences get savvy to the originals, so the reversals become the new standard. In fact the only surefire way to survive a modern horror movie? You pretty much have to be gay." Charlie rants off excitedly. "Jc I'm pretty sure you'll be just fine. Kirby too now, I guess."

"You motherfu-" I try to jump from my seat but Kirby pulls me back down, turning my face to meet her lips in a passionate kiss.

Cheers and whooos can be heard all around the room making Charlie sink back onto the desk looking sheepishly at Randy. I just lean back in my seat staring him in the eyes.

"Enough." Gale silences the room. "So why are you so sure the killers working by the rules of a horror remake?" She questions to get back on track.

"Oh the original stab structure.."

"You wanna get out of here?" I question rubbing my hand up and down her thigh.

She looks over at me through her eyelashes, smirks, then grabs my hand sneaking me out the back door.

A fit of Giggles and laughter can be heard echoing through the hallways as we run through the school to the exit.

"I'm still mad at you for running after Sydney and getting yourself hurt... I just want you to know that" Kirby tells me with a serious look.

"Yes I understand but I'm okay and that's all that matters right?" I say trying to get back in her good gracious.

"Whatever Jc. Where the hell are we going?" Kirby asks as I drag her out the door.

I push her up against my car "we can go back to my place, no one's home right now." I say kissing up her neck.

"Stop kissing me so we can go" she says pushing me off walking around to get in the passenger side.

"Well someone's desperate" I say once I get in smiling as she hits my shoulder.

"I just want to be with you." Kirby says sincerely. I've got the perfect song for this moment.

Emma by imagine dragons starts and I bob my head to the song looking over a Kirby making her laugh at my stupid antics.

"Didn't you have an ex named Emma" she asks turning the song down making me turn to her with pursed lips.

"Granted... but I never played this with her." I tell her honestly. "Emma and I were just for experience nothing more."

"So you two slept together?"

"I mean yeah we needed the experience and we were close friends, so why not." I look over to Kirby seeing a look on her face I can't quite tell what it is, but it's hot asf.

"You're sexy when you're jealous." I say placing my hand on her thigh.

"I kinda thought you were still a virgin." She tells me sheepishly.

"Are you?" I retort.

"I mean no but-" fucking idiot why'd you say it like that "Sorry sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that, I'm sorry." I let her know, rubbing circles on her thigh.

"It's okay baby. She can be your first, but I intend to be your last." Kirby says with a smirk as we pull up to my house.

I hop out running over to her side to open the door for her. "You better be my last I don't want anyone else but you" I tell her kissing her hand.

Kirby just blushed leading me to the house. Once we get in I lead her upstairs stopping midway. "Did you want anything to drink?"

"No im fine thank you." She smiles continuing to make our way up the stairs.

We reach my bedroom and I take off my shoes jumping onto my bed opening my arms for Kirby to do the same. She just laughs walking over laying down into my arms. I kiss her forehead a turn on a movie.

"You really know the way to my heart." She leans over kissing my cheek as I've put on one of her favorite movies "stab."

"I better, I've been trying to win it for two years!"

"Well it's all yours now" she says leaning over to kiss me. Immediately, I take control pushing her back down onto the bed, I get on top of her straddling her waist not once breaking the kiss.

"Show me just how much" Kirby moans out loudly when I lean down sucking the spot I used to always poke to try and get a rise out of her.

I knew that was her sweet spot! Let's see what else can get me to hear that beautiful noise that just left her mouth seconds ago.

I move one of my legs in between hers, pressing against her covered area in result, rewarding me with that gracious sound again.

"Let's get this off shall we" I smirk pulling the hem of her shirt up and over her head. I can't take my eyes off her just admiring her beauty.

"What?"She says shyly trying to cover herself up.

"No no no no no" I rush to bring her hands back down "you're beautiful, please don't ever cover up like that again" I tell her sincerely as she releases her hands.

I place tiny kisses all around her upper body. "Never hide from me"

Kirby melts into my kisses and is a moaning mess by how. Just then we hear the door slam shut and running up the stairs.

I quickly hop off of Kirby, throwing her, her shirt.

"JC ARE YOU HERE!" Sydney screams through the house.

"YES, ONE SECOND!" I yell through the door. So much for us being alone ugh.

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