Message (part 2)

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Hi guys sorry I took so to edit I was so busy with my grade trust me I'm in grade 7 ❤❤ I know it's shocking but I promise this time the story will continue ^^ Just wait for season 2 soon!! Oh and please link into the song called "Love wins it all"

Let continue...

Jimin's POV

Jimin: What...the hell? Just whe freaking hell?... Okay...okay Jimin calm down...

(You have to think straight and act fast. But...he's pleading?! Yoongi??!! It must be really awful over there!! Taehyung...Hoseok...Y/N... Jungkook... Seokjin...Namjoon...I'm saving you. All of you.)


The Company Building

(Okay...I got the amulet...Time to start the work...)

He enters the elevator

(There goes nothing... 4)

The door closes and the elevator moves...normal building


The door closes and the elevator moves...normal building


The door closes and the elevator moves...normal building


The door closes and the elevator moves...normal building


The door closes and the elevator moves...normal building

( And finally 5)

The door closes and the elevator moves...the door opens...

( Calm down Jimin...Calm down!!! There she is...Calm down...don't panic...stay confident.)

She gets in...slowly

(Don't look at her, 1...)

The door closes and the elevator... moves...

(It's moving upwards...I succeed!! Okay... now for the monster behind me...

Ghost: Help me...

Jimin: Well...Actually, why don't YOU help me?!

(The elevator suddenly'sin the middle between the 7th and the 8th floors!! Her voice...It silent....TOO silent...The atmosphere is suddenly so cold and dark...My legs are shaking...please...Please I have to be strong...I can't show her that I'm scared. Yes. This is my time.)

He looked at her, but then the woman came closer

Jimin: *Uneven ragged breathing*!!!
(H-H-How did she move this fast?!?!? She was right in my face!!!! I talked to her!!! I looked at her!!! And the elevator is stuck with both of us in it!!!!)

Ghost: *Giggling*

Jimin: (My beating so fast...I can't breathe... Jiiimmmiiin? *Uneven ragged breathing* ( I can't be scared!! Yoongi said to never show that I'm scared!!! Get a freaking grip!!! Jimin!!!
Damn it she's closer!!! And...and her face, H-H-Her face...)

Jimin: *Vomiting* (I looked away... and I vomited my life out... The sight...was disgusting... unbearable... She...She...)

The next will be the description of the ghost women, if you think you can't handle it, skip the description ♡

ELEVATOR GAME WITH BTS SEASON 1Where stories live. Discover now