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Seoul . South Korea
In the scary and dark basement of a huge mansion, sounds of screams and beating could be heard,
A man in his late 30s was getting beaten mercilessly from punchs to kicking in the stomach &etc, the mafia kept beating the man until a voice spoke that made him stop
"Leave him Mingyu he isn't worth dying in your hands" said a man sitting on a chair who seems to be the boss ,with one man standing beside him, Mingyu then harshly threw the man on the ground and went and stood on the left side of his boss

The man then looked at seungcheol in fear and pleading eyes and said"pls spare me I really don't know anything pls"the man said , then seungcheol leaned to the man until he was the same height as the man , " spare u?huh u really think I'm stupid " seungcheol said,the man although he was scared he look at him confused,seungcheol then glared at him and pointed at his wrist," u really thought I wouldn't notice the KG tattoo that's on your wrist huh" said seungcheol as he smirks looking at the man turning from confusion to realization & fear, "now if u don't open THAT DAMN MOUTH OF YOURS u know the consequences , seungcheol then leaned back on his chair the smirk still plastered on his face,he gets up and was about to leave when he turned back and said " Mingyu continue your work with that shit and jun come with me " he then left while walking in the dark hallway of the basement , "hyung are u sure that he is one of Kangs men"said Jun as he follows his brother," yes Jun I'm 100% he has the KG tattoo on his wrist Whitch every kang member has" jun made an 'o' shape on his as he understood,
"But hyung what if he doesn't say anything , I mean this is the 10th man we coaght trying to bomb public places , the first one tried to bomb a children hospital , and the second a pre school hyung do u hear a CHILDRENS HOSPITAL AND A PRE SCHOOL " Jun said he was shocked and in disbelief how can someone be this disheartened, seungcheol looked at his brother feeling anger rising as he hears his brother complain about how much of kangs men they bring non of them are gonna open their mouth and tell them the secret that knag is hiding, " I'm sorry hyung but I can't handle this anymore we can't just keep bringing kangs men but non of open their mouths and end up killing them there's no use in bringing them here , u know how well kang trains his men to not tell the secret" said junhui " more like torture them " said seungcheol
Jun then said" but really hyung I give up I'm losing hope on saving these poor souls" said Jun stress
"YAH!!! JUNHUI HOW CAN U THINK LIKE THAT , U CANT JUST GIVE UP INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE DYING , WE CANT GIVE UP NO MATTER WHAT  " seungcheol burst on Jun , jun flinched at the outburst, but sighed as he walked away before turning around to seungcheol "fine I'm not giving up but I still doubt they will open their mouth " said junhui and left
Seungcheol just sighs then again starts walking out of the basement

In the huge kitchen of the mansion
A beautiful yet short boy was cooking lunch for his family , while also teaching his best friends how to cook, " hyung am I cutting this right?" Said the sassy boy with grey long hair as he was cutting a big cabbage to make kimchi, " yes hao your doing a great job just cut them into cubes " said jihoon and smiled at the other " jihoon do I have to add more salt ??" said the cute boy with glasses on as he was washing the cabbage " no won it's enough" said as he smiled at the latter while stirring the sauce for the kimchi, while the three were cooking, jihoon then noticed a chubby cheeked boy sitting on the kitchen counter while giggling at his phone,
"Kwan why are u always coming here,ever since seungcheol hyung said it's okay that u come to the mansion any time u started coming almost every day " said jihoon as he looked at seungkwan who put his phone and look at jihoon " hyung is it wrong that I missed u guys and I want to see u"said seungkwan, jihoon clearly not buying it looked at him and said " suuurre u missed us that's a stupid excuse u come here every day " said jihoon sarcastically making seungkwan to blush in embarrassment " what do u mean hyung??" said seungkwan pretending not know
"Oh come on do we have to even say the reason isn't it obvious " said Minghao as he smirked loving teasing his best friend
"Hansol" Wonwoo said
"Yeah" Minghao said as he and wonu high five each other
"Ok u to stop teasing him and go back to work your husbands are coming home later and want food in their stomach "said jihoon
" ohh hyung u reminding me of jeonghan hyung u really are his cousin u two have mother instincts"said seungkwan missing his favourite hyung, the three just laugh at him then also agreeing

Time skip ( after the husbands came back from work )

seungcheol was in his big office
looking through paper and work , man he was stressed he's been trying to find someone to take care of chan like a nanny,
But he wants someone who is good with kids not just anyone soo he asked his brother hoshi to look up some of the best nanny's /babysittes in Seoul , he was lost in his thought until he hears a knock on his door he said a quick "come in" the his brother soonyoung came in while holding 5 files " hey hyung I searched and I found 5 best nannys/babysitters in Seoul
Many people complement them soo I had too show u them these are their profiles look!"the tiger like man said as he put five files on seungcheol desk seungcheol then starts looking threw the files , all of them were women in their mid thirties and early forties, he finished look at the first 4 and finally it was the last file he opens it , his eyes landed on the name it was "Yoon jeonghan?"

seungcheol was in his big office looking through paper and work , man he was stressed he's been trying to find someone to take care of chan like a nanny,But he wants someone who is good with kids not just anyone soo he asked his brother hoshi to l...

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This how the mansion looks like

This how the mansion looks like

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SCOUPS office

Their kitchen

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Their kitchen

Hope u enjoyed 💕💕💕💕

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