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It was around 3pm in the afternoon ,everyone was doing their own thing painting , doing work , taking care of their children,
Bottoms(including Jin , Tae & hobi)were all gathered in Wonwoo's room since all their husbands/boyfriend were in a meeting
"Ok hyung why did u suddenly tell us to come to your room"seungkwan said as he sat between Minghao and jeonghan who was holding chan
"Soo I brought ya'll here cuz I have to tell u something" Wonwoo said , they look at him confused

"Well I was texting ji a while ago and he told me that umm he's pregnant " Wonwoo said "WHAAT!??"the others shout in shock making chan cry and Wonwoo squinting his eyes

Jeonghan was trying calm down chan as the poor boy got scared , they stayed still no one made a move only chan crying
They then heard a sound of door open "hey hyung the meeting finished-"Mingyu wasn't able to continue as he was startled cuz all of them were staring at him
"Uhhm did something happen?" Mingyu asked "nothing happened just told them that jihoon is pregnant and now their being dramatic and overreacting" Wonwoo said casually as he made his way towards his husband laying his head on his shoulder
"Jihoon is WHAT-"Mingyu asked but got cut off when Wonwoo put his hand on his mouth "shhhh ji is gonna kill me if soonyoung hears u" Wonwoo said in a hush tone as he removes his hand from mingyu's mouth , mingyu then nodded slowely slightly frightened of

"Ok well then I'm going to kooks room since ya'll are staying here" Mingyu said "ohh your going there can u pls tell kook to change Taeguk diaper since it his turn today " Tae said as the others chuckle,mingyu nodded with a chuckle and soon left the room

"I'm soo exited seokmin is having a baby jihoon's having a baby and jimin will give birth next month" seungkwan said happily,as his hyungs chuckle at their cute maknae , "yeah I will be surprised if another says their pregnant " hoseok said as the others laugh except Minghao who looked down witch didn't go unnoticed by jeonghan who was holding a sleepy chan

"Hey hao are U ok?"jeonghan asked worried catching the other's attention , Minghao was now nervous as hell cuz all the attention was on him
"H-hyungs actually I'm a-also pregnant " he said as he stuttered nervously , others widened their eyes as hoseok fainted dramatically
"Damn ya'lls husband that fast and horny " seungkwan said as he got hit on the back of his head by jeonghan,

"Well I guess we have another one anyone else?" Wonwoo asked , as he saw that the others stayed silent , Wonwoo then received a message
"Ji and the others arrived , I better text Mingyu " Wonwoo said making the others burst in laughter
"I just texted ji telling him to come here-" Wonwoo couldn't finish as the door bursted open revealing a panting jihoon , they looked at him in shock , "damn it isn't even 5 minutes I just sent u the message " Wonwoo said , "instead of asking him if he's okay"jeonghan said shaking his head done with his friends , "ji are u okay looks like u ran a marathon " taehyung asked "soons hugged the shit out of me " jihoon said as he came in and sat between tae & Wonwoo , he then looked at them just to see all of them looking at him creepily smiling while giving teasing look, jihoon was confused but then looked at wonwoo with a done face " u told them didn't u?" Jihoon asked done with his best friend ,
Wonwoo gave him a nervous smile

"U know I'm not good at keeping secrets and they won't let me breath until I tell them " Wonwoo said as they others agree that they would actually do it , jihoon shook his head done with them ," anyways congrats ji and hao" hoseok congratulated them giving them his sunshine smile , "wait what hao u too ?" Jihoon asked in shock as Minghao nodded

They bottoms were talking not aware that pairs of ears were eavesdropping on them
" Jun what do you think they're talking about?" Soonyoung asked curiously, " don't know soons but why they congratulating hao and ji?"
"How about ya'll stop eavesdropping on your lovers and come and help me carry this stuff to yoongi hyungs room" Mingyu said carrying yoongi and jimins stuff, "why the hell are u carrying their stuff why aren't the maids carrying it ?" Soonyoung asked looking at his brother weirdly," it was my only way of escaping the twins " Mingyu said struggling to carry the bags , both his hyungs burst in laughter while Mingyu pouts sulking , just then

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