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    Orion sat on the seat in my shower watching me as I stepped in. I stood under the water for a minute, closing my eyes and letting the hot water run down my body. I opened my eyes to look at him and he had his hand wrapped around his hard cock. I couldn't take my eyes off him, I felt like he wasn't even real. "Continue." He said, his eyes wandering over my body. I did as asked, despite being self conscious standing in front of him. I grabbed my loofa, adding body wash and slid it over my body.

    When I was done lathering the soap I stepped back under the water, turning to face Orion as I let it wash away all of the suds. His eyes locked on mine, watching me. When all the soap was washed away I stepped forward to him. His movements stopped and his hands rested on my hips as he looked up at me. I reached down, running my fingers through his wet hair. He pulled me closer, kissing my stomach. I moved to straddle his hips, my knees on either side of him. "You're so beautiful." He said softly, kissing me. I felt the tip of him rub against my entrance and I moaned against his lips. He pulled away to look down as he positioned himself with my entrance. "Ready love?" I nodded and he guided my hips down onto him. We both moaned at the same time. His grip on my hips tightened and I gripped onto his shoulders roughly.

    He's right, his size is much different than my toys. I sucked in a sharp breath, pain and pleasure mixing in me. "You okay baby?" He asked as he kissed my shoulder. He stayed still, allowing me time to take him in. I nodded to him. "I need to hear you say it, angel." "I'm okay." I said softly. He hummed in satisfaction and waited for me, kissing every inch of exposed skin he could reach. After a couple minutes I moved my hips. His lips stopped and he looked up at me. His hands on my hips helped me, slowly moving up and down on him. "Ah fuck." He threw his head back against the wall, his face strained as I knew it was taking every fiber of his being to keep from fucking me harder. I moved my hands to lace in his hair, making a barrier between his head and the hard tile, not wanting him to hurt himself.

As the pain started to subside I quickened my pace, soft moans rolling out of my mouth. "You feel so good, my love." He praised me, his eyes opening to meet mine. We were finally at a steady pace and Orion was thrusting into me as my hips lowered to his, in a perfect rhythm. My cheeks burned at his words and he smiled up at me. I tugged on his hair as I could feel the pleasure building. "Oh fuck, Orion." I moaned, throwing my head back. His hands gripped my ass harshly before spanking it and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "God, I could fucking cum hearing you moan my name, baby." He groaned, his thrusts getting stronger.

I really tried to hold my shit together but I started to come undone, my core tightening and my breathing getting heavier. "That's it, love. Cum for me, cum all over my cock." He moaned, reaching up to push the hair out of my face. His hand wrapped loosely around my throat, bringing my lips to his as I did just as he instructed. I came as he continued to thrust into me. I moaned in his mouth, unintentionally tugging harshly on his wet hair. He kept going, despite my legs shaking. A minute later he pulled his lips from mine. He held eye contact with me as I felt him twitch inside me and he let out a string of heavenly moans that I'm sure made me cum again. His thrusts slowed down until eventually they stopped, his cock still filling me as I sat there, watching him, my chest rising and falling rapidly.

"You did so good baby." He said lowly, a smile on his face. He kissed me softly and I moved my hips up, his cock falling back on his lap as he slipped out of me. We both looked down at the cum dripping out of me, a combination of both of ours. He didn't hesitate, swiping two fingers against my sensitive entrance to scoop some of it up. "Open." He said as he brought it to my lips. I listened and he stuck them in my mouth. I sucked on his fingers, tasting both of our cum. He hummed in appreciation, his eyes sparkling as he looked at me. "Such a good girl." He mumbled before withdrawing his fingers and kissing me again.

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