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    "Good morning my love." Orion mumbled against my shoulder, kissing it softly. I didn't reply, nuzzling my face deeper into the blankets. He let out a soft laugh. "What time is it?" I groaned. "It's 8am." I groaned louder, pulling the blanket over my head. "Come on, angel. We have a long drive ahead of us if you still want to go today." I sighed, peaking my head out enough to look up at him. He smiled at me, sweeping the hair in my face away. "Reign and Warren live about 3 hours away and we wanna make it back for dinner." He kissed my forehead softly before getting out of the bed. I watched him go into the bathroom and groaned, stretching out.

Eventually I got up and got dressed into black leggings, a simple black crop top, and a big comfy cardigan. By the time I was done Orion walked out of the bathroom, water droplets glistening on his body. God, he's so fucking hot it almost makes me want to hate him. "You didn't even invite me." I pouted. He chuckled softly. "We'd never make it on time if you joined me." I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips, walking past him into the bathroom. "Lilith..." he growled, warning. I ignored him as I brushed through my hair. He walked into the bathroom with only boxers on now. His hand gripped my jaw, making my eyes meet his. "Don't catch an attitude, angel." I raised my eyebrows at him. "Or what?" A dark laugh escaped his lips and he looked down at his watch. He moved to stand behind me, looking into my eyes through the mirror. "Pull your pants down, now." He growled, his hand wrapping around my throat.

    I just started back at him as I swallowed hard. "Don't make me say it again." I obliged, sliding my leggings down my hips to my ankles. His thigh slid between my legs, spreading them further apart. "Spencer and Maya will be here any minute, my love." He said huskily, wrapping his hand in my hair. I bit my lip, watching his lips trail hot kisses down my neck. His hand slid between my thighs and he gave a quick slap to my pussy before biting at my neck. "This will be a long day if you don't kick the attitude baby, and I'm more than happy to fuck it out of you." He smirked against my skin and I felt the length of his cock tease my entrance. "Would you like that, Lily?" His eyes met mine again in the mirror. "Yes." I breathed, pushing my hips back into his. He chuckled softly, trailing his hands down my waist and hips. He hummed. "I don't know, angel. That didn't sound too convincing." He said as he pushed his hips into mine, his cock sliding over my clit, teasing me. I let out a whimper. "Please Ry." I said desperately to him in the mirror.

His eyes darkened and dilated at my words. "Anything for you, my love." He said before he slammed himself into me. I let out a soft cry, hunching forward on the sink. God, he stretched me to my limits. His fingers dug into the flesh of my hips, adding more pain as he fucked me hard, harder than before. It left me breathless and shocked. It was slightly painful but oh so fucking pleasurable. He let out a moan that sounded like heaven descending down as his eyes met mine in the mirror. "I think a good hard fuck is what you needed this morning. After all, you said not to be so gentle with you, baby. Look at you, you love my big cock filling you to the fucking brim, don't you." He smirked, watching my face in the mirror, loving every second of the mixture of pain and pleasure I wore on my features as I moaned out his name. God it was so fucking intoxicating. He slapped my ass harshly as I let out a loud moan and pushed my ass back further into him, not being able to get enough.

It was only a matter of minutes before I was screaming in ecstasy, cumming on his cock just like he told me to. He moaned as I did, a satisfied smile on his features. He wrapped his hand around my throat, pulling me flush against his chest as he continued fucking me through my orgasm. I could feel how close he was to cumming as soft, breathy groans escaped his lips. "Should I pull out?" He asked with a small smirk, knowing the answer already. "God no." I breathed, craving him inside me. He let out the most satisfied hum I've ever heard. "Such a good little slut for me. And only fucking me." He growled and I felt his cock twitch inside of me, filling me. I moaned, my legs shaking as his grip on my throat tightened. "Fuck." He groaned out, his head falling to the back of mine as he let out irregular breaths, his movements coming to a stop.

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