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Flora's POV.

"You'll be staying here." Ka'kwet took me and Gilbert to a hut on the edge of the field. Surprisingly the hut was bigger on the inside then it seemed. It had just enough room for us to stay comfortable. A mat had been placed on the ground, and a cut up pieace of trunk was set up as a small table. "Make yourselves comfortable. We will start chores early in the morning so rest as much as you can." She smiled kindly before exiting the hut, leaving Gilbert and I alone in our new accomodation.

"Well, this is a change from our usual room." He commented with a hint of amusement as he looked around the small hut.

Bash and Delly had been assigned a different hut, just far enough from ours. They didn't place huts close together in case of a fire, providing space so that the flames don't travel from hut to hut.

Apparently fires were not so uncommon here due to the excessive use of candles to keep the people warm at night.

It was already dark outside and the stars were shining brighter than ever. It reminded me of Brazil. When Joana, Rui, Teo, Larissa  and I used to climb up to the roof and stare up at the dark sky as we spoke about our deepest thoughts. I couldn't help but to miss them a lot. A really bad moment in my life had turned into wonder because of them. They provided me with clothes, food, a job, a place to stay, but best of all, love. They made me smile, even when I thought smiling was something I was incapable of doing at that time.

I wonder to myself that if I'd stayed there long enough, would I maybe wanted to stay forever? But that thought always got pushed out of my head. Obviously I would want to come back to my family. Gilbert, Bash and Delly. They were what I craved. But after I arrived back to Avonlea... things turned upside down and... I'd made things a lot worse. At least in Brazil I was helping them. I was working, providing some extra money for groceries and for the house. Here... I was an obstacle course. I rock in the middle of a track. A burden.

"Flora?" Gilbert asked out loud as he lit a candle, making sure the flame was far enough from the wooden walls.

"Hmm?" His sudden words twisted me out of my thoughts as my attention focused back on him.

"You're being a little too quiet. Not happy thoughts, I'm assuming." He said as he looked back at me. He had already made himself comfortable on the mat, patting the spot beside him so I could sit next to him. And that's exactly what I did.

I stared back at him as I realised that he knew me more than I realised. But I didn't want him to worry. "No. Nothing like that, just tired." I smiled as convincingly as I could.

"Yeah. Me too." He agreed and nodded. As crazy as it sounded, sometimes I forgot that this man was even real. How could someone be so damn perfect. "Did you see Diana and Alice today? They seemed like they were getting closer, don't you think?" He asked as he shot me a sneaky smirk. Oh, yes. The bet that we had made was of course still up. If Diana and Alice got together... then Gilbert and I would... get married.

"Don't get your hopes up." I said in amusement, shooting him a look.

"How can I not?" He smiled, showing his pearly teeth. "Darling, look at you." He brushed a strand of hair away from my face. "I can't help but get my hopes up."

With one hand in my hair, he drove me closer. My heart skipped a beat as our lips approached. No matter how many times I'd done this, it would never get rid of the butterflies that exploded in my stomach. Our lips crashed into each other and for a while there were no thoughts but the thought of his mouth on mine. The feeling of his tongue against my own.

His other hand traveled down my waist and further down my hips. No problems at all. No thoughts of Brazil, or the house or the devil's trio. Just him. Just Gilbert. Pulling away for a breath, my opened my mouth for a deep breath. And then I opened my eyes. I opened my eyes, and I was met with the most gut wrenching view.

It really was him. My previous professor, staring right back at me with dark, satanic eyes. He was right against my face, one of his hands on my hip, and the other in my hair. Just like that one day. My heart almost skipped out of my mouth at the sight of Mr. Phillips. I thought he was in prison. All I wanted to do was to scream, but even my mouth was frozen.

I pushed him away in fear. "Professor?"

But as soon as I'd pushed him away, the image of Mr. Phillips switched to Gilbert. Gilbert was looking at me with wide eyes. His mouth was apart, in shock at the way I'd pushed him away. "Did you just call me... professor?"

"N- no! I didn't! I..." I looked around... pretty sure I'd seen that horrible man right in front of me. But he was gone. He wasn't here. I'd been... hallucinating? "I promise, I just thought... I'm pretty sure I saw-"

"Flora!" He grabbed my hand, looking into my eyes with a caring expression. "I know. Don't worry." He told me in certainty. "He's not here... okay? He's rotting. In prison. Like he should be." He made sure to hold eye contact, making his point clear. "He's not gonna go near you." He said in confidence. "Understand?"

Everything in me wanted to believe him, but I had just seen that man two minutes ago. Holding me. Kissing me. He might be in prison, but... he did not get a life sentence. He was destined to rejoin the world at some point. I didn't know when, or if it'd even already happened. But I didn't sense any good things coming from my gut feeling. Even so, I nodded. "Yes. You're right. I'm sorry... I think I'm going crazy." I said with a nervous laugh.

"No. Don't be sorry, Love. I'll take care of you." He kissed my cheek lovingly.

But my gut feeling was rarely wrong...

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