Overprotective Family ^v^

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A/N: So I know it has been a while since I updated my stories and I apologize since I have the tendency to forget I have books to write but I will try to update my stories more often. So this oneshot idea is thanks to MentalKai , I really appreciate the idea. Currently listening to Harry Styles music for the first time, kinda vibin not gonna lie. Anyways enjoy this oneshot :).


~3rd POV~

The 118 family was on a call, specifically a car accident not even too serious just minor injuries, Hen was in control of the scene meaning Chimney was watching from the sidelines kind of happy not having to deal with their attitudes. They were acting like rich snobs who act like they are entitled to everything the world has to offer or maybe the world in its entirety. Athena was also there since it is a car accident and was most likely caused by one of the rich snobs, she is currently trying not to scold both rich snobs for the attitude they are giving Hen. Bobby is of course next to Athena, Buck is with Eddie by the firetruck, Ravi is next to Chim just vibing on the sidelines quietly. At least until some douchebag decided to go Chim and Ravi's way. The guy got so close to Chim that Ravi had pushed the guy back to give Chim his personal space. The guy started yelling and scolding Chim for no real reason and is so close to slapping him for no real reason. Now since Buck, Eddie, Athena, and Bobby are near them and the yelling is really loud that both the rich snobs plus Hen had stopped what they were doing and looked at the situation going on. Chim was oh so very confused but also didn't really care. It has been at least 30 minutes and now the guy has decided to insult Chim using his height against him seeing as he is a precious short comedian paramedic. Since Buck was nearby, he decided to get more closer considering he is a clingy person but if anyone messes with his family he will happily go to prison if it means protecting his family. Ravi, seeing Buck's facial expression, moved behind Chim because he is a bit scared of Buck in this moment. Chim hasn't noticed Ravi moving or Buck getting closer but Eddie obviously seeing Buck's demeanor change followed behind to watch the scene unfold. The guy had enough of Chim ignoring him so he thought slapping him would give him common sense. He indeed slapped him but once Buck saw him slap Chim, Buck punched the guy square in the face breaking his nose. "IF YOU TOUCH HIM AGAIN, I WON'T HESITATE IN PUNCHING YOU EVEN MORE YOU STUPID BITCH!" Buck yelled, angrily. Chim was taken aback by Buck hitting the guy but felt happy that someone had his back. Buck walked into Chim's personal bubble and clung onto him. Buck put his head into Chim's neck and stayed there for the rest of the call and only let go when he had to get into the firetruck. As soon as Chimney entered his house, he instantly told Maddie what happened and she couldn't be more proud of Buck. Meanwhile with Bobby, Athena, and Buck, the parents were kind of scolding Buck, more of Athena than Bobby because we all know he is proud of him since he'd do the same thing, but overall Chimney was protected so Buck could not give a single shit about being scolded.

~The End~

A/N: took me 2 days to complete this since I kept getting distracted every time. Anyways hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry it was short :).

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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