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—"Have you ever felt... empty?"

The question hung in the air, punctuated by the soft hiss of her cigarette as she took a drag. Zib's weary eyes met hers, momentarily captivated by the ethereal glow that danced upon her delicate features, courtesy of the moon's elusive embrace. Shadows clung to the corners of his disheveled countenance as he turned to face her, a flicker of intrigue flickering beneath his weathered exterior. His gaze, tinted with a faded yellow hue, briefly grazed her face before seeking solace in the depths of his own pockets. Fingers fumbled, searching amidst the jumble of fabric, searching for the familiar weight of his lighter. The cigarette, suspended between his lips for what felt like an eternity, yearned to be ignited, as if impatiently awaiting its fiery union.

He let out a sigh, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

—"Empty? Yeah, I've danced with that feeling more times than I care to admit. But maybe, just maybe, the emptiness is what keeps us searching, clawing our way through this mess called life. It's the void that reminds us we're alive, even if it hurts like hell."—He paused, then added with a wry smile, —"So, you're not alone in that emptiness, darlin'. We're all lost souls in this carnival of existence."

Behind a veil of thick, lustrous lashes, her cerulean eyes bore into Zib's countenance, as though unraveling the secrets etched upon his weary features. Leaning forward, a subtle yet deliberate gesture, she tilted her head, her cigarette burning like a tiny beacon of defiance between her lips. The flickering glow cast an enigmatic aura, as if it held the key to unlocking hidden truths. It was an invitation, an unspoken pact, as if she were beckoning him to join her in the dance of smoke and shadows, to ignite his own cigarette in tandem with hers, and in doing so, perhaps ignite something deeper, something beyond the realm of words.

Zib's world seemed to momentarily pause as he absorbed the weight of her unspoken invitation. The air crackled with anticipation as he contemplated the significance of this fleeting connection. With a measured breath, he leaned forward, closing the distance between their cigarettes until the tips brushed against each other, a delicate convergence of flame and smoke.

In that singular moment, a spark ignited, both figuratively and literally. As he drew in a slow, deliberate drag, the tendrils of smoke intertwined, their wisps mingling in a delicate dance. The ember at the end of his cigarette flickered to life, casting a warm glow upon his features. It was as if the act of sharing fire had kindled an intangible bond, a silent understanding that transcended words.

Zib and the female returned to their familiar postures, the brief moment of intimacy fading into the background. She leaned her arms against the ornate balcony railing, her gaze fixated once more upon the moon's ethereal glow. Resting her chin on her delicate forearms, she posed her question, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

—"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Zib's tired eyes studied her from beneath furrowed brows, a mix of fondness and exasperation flickering within them. He took a moment to choose his words carefully, aware of the delicate balance between honesty and preserving their friendship. With a sigh, he responded, his voice laced with a touch of playful sarcasm.

—"Stupid? Nah, darlin', you're far from it. Sure, you've got that rich daddy's girl charm and a penchant for the superficial, but deep down, there's more to you than meets the eye. We've been friends long enough for me to know that. Beneath the glitz and glamour, there's a heart that beats, a mind that thinks, and a spirit that yearns for something more."

He paused, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips before continuing, —"So, no, you're not stupid. Just... delightfully oblivious at times. But hey, that's part of your charm, isn't it?"

Her soft laughter filled the night air, a melodic sound that seemed to momentarily dissolve the shadows around them. The smile that adorned her lips radiated a genuine warmth, accentuating the sparkle in her vibrant blue eyes. As her gaze met Zib's once more, a flicker of gratitude danced within her gaze.


Her voice carried a touch of sincerity, a genuine appreciation for his understanding and acceptance. It was a fleeting moment of vulnerability, a glimpse into the depths beneath her seemingly carefree facade. In that shared exchange, a silent acknowledgment passed between them, a testament to the strength of their friendship and the unspoken support they offered one another.

Zib, his stoic exterior momentarily softened, offered her a nod and a half-smile in response. It was a silent reassurance, a silent affirmation that he would always be there for her, no matter the complexities that lay beneath their lighthearted banter.


Lovᥱ, Tobᥲᥴᥴo, ᥲᥒd GᥙᥒρoᥕdᥱrWhere stories live. Discover now