Tainted Roads

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A trickle of sweat clung to the back of Meiling's neck, glistening in the rising morning sun. Short gusts scattered leaves and flower petals through the air. It tossed Meiling's hair and carried with it the scent of rain. Faint light cast shadows that stretched across late summer blossoms. In the distance, roosters from the village cried out their morning praises while pheasants from the woods beyond Meiling's home exchanged playful greetings with one another.

Meiling soaked it all in. She stood among the natural beauty of her family's land in the clearing beyond her mother's shrine. Her eyes were closed, her breathing was still and controlled. She listened to the music of the world around her as she practiced her martial forms. Meiling sunk her feet into the grass. Assuming a crouching stance, arms out wide for control and balance, she held the position firmly and meditated. The qi of her family ground streamed upward against the soles of her feet. She stayed in the quiet, feeling the familiar energy start at her feet and rise further through her body.

Once she had spent several contemplative minutes in a stance, Meiling carefully shifted her body into another. Her movements were deliberate and precise, every muscle contraction guided by the qi pulsing through her. She breathed in and out slowly. Through the wind whistling between the trees, her mother's voice came as a faint whisper. From behind closed eyes, Meiling pictured the land as it once was. Colorful and pristine. She brought herself back to a time where the trees were taller, the grass tickled up to her ankles, and her mother's smile, brighter than the sun, started everyday off as a blessing. She recalled back to her mother preparing dinner, teaching her and her brother the ways of the world, and sharing stories of adventures that she had written out in her book. She remembered being out in that same meadow learning from her mother the nuanced techniques of kung fu. She heard her mother's laugh in the encasing breeze closing in on her, the voice that she had been so long without.

'Fight,' she heard it whisper. Forming into another pose, the voice forced her to think back to her training. Standing atop that same patch of grass, she had fallen. The ground seemed to hurt so much more back then. Over and over she would fall. Tears would press against the backs of her eyes, only to be calmed by her mother's gentle voice and touch. Her mother would help her up, brush her off, and speak to her clearly. 'You have so much greatness within you, my Meiling. Do you know what it is?' The woman's voice echoed through her channeled mind. 'It is love, Meiling. It will not always come, but when it does, you must be prepared to fight for it. And in that, you honor me. You honor your family. You honor yourself.'

"Mother," Meiling's lips trembled. Swelling began to rise behind her eyes once more. She swallowed and focused her mind, holding a new stance with immovable tension.

A slight rustle in the grass caught her ear. A distinct heat traced over her skin as a quiet presence approached from behind.

"Glad to see you still practicing," Sima Yi greeted her. Meiling winced. Her mother's voice had faded. The ghostly memory of her face vanished. Meiling became thrust back into the present. She opened her eyes and spun around. She sent a swift kick soaring up at head level. The top of her foot met a blocking forearm. A burst of wind blew scattered leaves across the grass.

"You," Meiling sneered. Sima thrust the kick away with a quick jab to Meiling's jaw. She ducked and deflected the attack. She stepped back to counter with her own series of blows to his chest and chin. Her fists pounded against his blocking hands. She pushed him back, recoiling to send a hard kick to his chest. Sima caught Meiling by the ankle, bracing Meiling to launch a higher kick to the side of his head. Her foot struck the man hard against his cheek. He let go of her and staggered back.

"Wow," Sima said, rubbing his face. "I'm impressed."

"I don't care," Meiling said. She stood firmly defensive, her eyes narrowing at her intruder. "What do you want?" Sima Yi huffed. He looked to the side, the taste of blood teasing his tongue.

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