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taraji x fantasia 5

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this also a lengthy chapter, please read it thoroughly! please vote and comment!


I couldn't help but notice Taraji's attempt at a smile, a delicate curve on her lips tinged with the subtle hues of sadness. "Stop looking so sad, T. Let's see that pretty smile in color," I playfully teased, hoping to sprinkle a touch of levity into the moment.

That quip, though, turned out to be the last thing I said to her. It's been an exact count of one month and two days – not that I'm keeping track or anything. But who could blame me? Lord knows I miss my T baby, that dynamic force that completes our trio. The silence in her absence echoes louder than the lively banter we once shared. I find myself praying, not just for her safety but for the return of the vivacious Taraji who could light up a room with her presence.

I've tried reaching out in every conceivable way – calls, texts, and even the slightly archaic email. The perplexing part? My messages go through, calls connect, so I know her phone is on. Yet, the ominous silence persists, leaving me in the dark about her whereabouts.

In these moments of uncertainty, my mind races with thoughts of where Taraji could be. Is she embroiled in a personal struggle, navigating the labyrinth of her emotions? Or has she sought refuge in a distant corner of the world, a temporary escape from the demands of fame and friendship? The unanswered questions cast a shadow on my restless mind, and I'm left yearning for the reassuring cadence of Taraji's voice.

You know, a lot can unfold in just a month – life's twists and turns playing out in unexpected ways. But within this seemingly short span, the one constant I anticipated welcoming the new year with was nowhere in sight – Taraji.

Instead, she left a note at the Airbnb that night, a bittersweet reminder of her abrupt departure. The words on that paper carried a weight that lingered in the air, a mixture of love and the unspoken reasons that urged her to leave. It might have read something like:

"Hey my loves,

I want you both to know that I cherish the bond we share. But sometimes, life throws us into unpredictable directions, and I find myself needing a moment to navigate the currents on my own. This is not a farewell, but a 'see you soon.' Remember, you both are in my heart.

With love,

Now, I have my husband Ken, but things have taken an unexpected turn between us lately. The movie's release catapulted us into the spotlight, and the world's chatter began to cast shadows over our relationship. Ken, once a constant presence, started to drift into the distant realms of our shared life.

In the midst of this emotional turbulence, the only solace comes from conversations with Danielle and my daughter Zion, a rock in her own right at 23. They've been my pillars, offering support through the storm. Yet, I can't shake the understanding that Taraji's sudden disappearance has its own silent echo, resonating not just within me but touching the lives of those who care for her. And while Danielle may never articulate the full extent of her pain, it's etched in the unspoken moments that linger between us...

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