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As alwayssss thank y'all for rocking with me! We're at 31k+ reads! I literally can't thank you guys enough! I really enjoy writing this book, and I love seeing y'all reactions and kind words to it!

Y'all DESERVE IT this update... I hope y'all aren't too mad about the cliffhanger I left y'all hanging on lol?? Anyways, this chapter is a little more on the sentimental and sad side 🥹 y'all might shed a tear but nonetheless enjoyyyy! vote & comment! 💕

taraji x fantasia 16



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When I told her I knew that Kendall was dead, her face went a little pale. Why? I don't know, she isn't the one who killed him... unless I got something mixed up.

As I posed the question to Taraji, uncertainty gnawed at me. Did she have a hand in Kendall's demise? It was a chilling thought, but one that needed to be addressed. "Did you... kill him?" I asked, my tone carrying a mix of doubt and coldness, even as I prayed silently for her innocence.

Taraji's reaction was immediate, her denial swift and vehement. "No!" she protested, her voice cracking with emotion. The anguish in her eyes mirrored the turmoil in my own heart.

But deep down, I already knew the truth. My instincts had told me as much, and I trusted them implicitly. It wasn't Taraji who had taken Kendall's life; it was a woman but I didn't get a name. Yet, I needed to hear it from Taraji herself. I needed to see if she would confess, if she would lay bare the truth, no matter how painful it might be.

As Taraji's tears began to fall, I realized the weight of my question. I wasn't just testing her; I was testing our bond, our trust in each other. And in that moment, as Taraji bravely stood her ground, denying any involvement in Kendall's death, I knew that our friendship - relationship was stronger than any doubt or suspicion.

Relief washed over me as I finally spoke the words she needed to hear. "I know," I admitted softly, my voice filled with a mixture of understanding and gratitude. "I just needed to hear you say it."

And as Taraji reached out to take my hand, her grip firm and unwavering, I knew that whatever we had weathered yet another storm, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before but this wasn't the end.



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