{Chapter: 25}

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Author's POV

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10 AM

Everyone was very busy in the Mansion because they were going to Mumbai with a marriage proposal for Akshat. Just then Abhay came downstairs with Akshat and Dadi sa asked him

Dadi: Abhay... Is the private jet ready?

Abhay: Yes Dadi sa..

Dadi: Where is Ishita?

Just then Ishita came from behind and hugged Dadi sa and said

Ishita: I'm here Dadi sa...

Dadi: Are all the preparations done?

Ishita: Yes Dadi sa don't worry everything is ready, I have personally checked everything.

Dadi: OK beta.. go and call everyone we will be departing in 10 minutes.

Ishita: OK


Mumbai Airport 

The jet landed at the private area owned by the Singh industries in Mumbai (Rich rich🌝🌝).  Everyone came out and went towards the car. Just as they were about to sit in the car someone hit Abhay and Akshat's head from behind. They both turned around and saw a woman in her mid 40's standing there. Their eyes widened and they both touched the woman's feet. 

Abhay: Bua sa.. I missed you

Saying this Abhay hugged her and Akshat hid behind Ishita because he knew no one else will save him from his Bua.. 

Myra Rathore, Akshat's Bua sa looked at Ishita and said

Myra: You must be Abhay's wife..

Abhay introduced Ishita to Myra and said

Abhay: Ishita, she is Akshat's Bua..

Ishita came forward and touch here feet and said 

Ishita: khamma ghani Bua sa..

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