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Vera's pov:

     The bell rang, signalling the end of school, the end of hell for some, but for me, hell was only just beginning.

    "Yo!Bitch!" I heard a loud voice shriek from a few feet behind me, but I just kept on walking, hoping that maybe I'd be left alone today, just once, but seeing that I happen to be an unlucky bitch, fate wasn't on my side.

     "I'm sure you're not deaf as well". Another, much closer voice said as he slammed me into the locker, my already bruised ribs hating the impact but I didn't let them see that I was hurt, I lay crumpled on the ground for a few seconds, before he lifted me up again, by this time, a crowd was already beginning to form.

     The clicking sound of heels could be heard getting closer and I winced." How dare you ignore me, you slut!". She said as she slapped me. I could see her start to turn red with anger coz she knew she wasn't going to get a reaction out of me so she just kept hitting me as he held me, I just took it all in. She slapped, pinched, scratched, punched, and kicked me but I knew that once I succumbed and showed weakness, things would get even worse.

     After a while, she was finally tired, and she signalled the douche bag holding me to drop me, then they both left, the crowd slowly beginning to disperse leaving me in pain on the floor. I slowly and painfully began to rise as I made my way to the exit.

    Walking along the sidewalk, I wished I could prolong the trek home, being alone with my thoughts, even for this short time everyday, has been the only thing keeping me sane.

     'All good things has to come to an end' a wise man once said. All too soon, my trek home had to come to an end as I slowly and cautiously approached the door of my house, my heart pounding in my chest.

     I didn't see his car, so that was a good sign, my heartbeat slowly becoming steady but I knew better than to let my guard down. I slowly turned the doorknob and the door opened to reveal the gloomy and foreboding interior.

     I slowly stepped in and soundlessly closed the door behind me, I was a ble to walk up the stairs without having anything bad happen to me, but as I said before, I'm an unlucky bitch.

     I felt his hit before I saw him and by the time I could see clearly, he was already straddling me, his hands around my neck. "Where have you fucking been?!?!?!". He snarled at me.

     It seems a lightbulb finally went off on his head because he finally remembered that I couldn't talk, not since the incident, "oh, that's right, cat got your tongue". He said, then he laughed at his own joke, he began to choke me and my eyes widened, finally , the end.

     Fortunately, unfortunately, his hands released my neck when he saw me getting paler. He then picked up a shard of glass that lay on the ground from his smashed beer bottle.

     I felt the breeze on my skin as he pulled up my sweater, the tears began to well in my eyes, he then used the broken bottle to write on my stomach. The tears fell freely now as I tried to wriggle out of his old, but the more I tried failingly to resist, the deeper he went. Pain was an understatement of what I felt at that moment.

     After he was done, he pulled down my sweatpants and underwear, I went numb when I saw him reach for his belt buckle, I already knew what was coming. By now, my tears had become racking sobs as he raped me, why it still hurt, seeing as it wasn't his first time, but each time always brought back the memories I tried to forget.

     The memories refused to be pushed away, and I was transported back to a time when I had a mother's love, the times when I was cared for, the time my mother passed away, and the time I started being abused and raped by the one person who was supposed to protect me, MY DAD.

Hey guys, I'm finally back, and this time I'm gonna see this through to the end, I'm sorry that I didn't finish the first book, but I promise that this one is going to be finished for you guys
Hope you enjoy it 🥰

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