Chapter 2

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Vera's pov:

     The looks of barely concealed contempt greeted me as I made my way though the hall, the voices were louder and more vicious as new rumours were passed around.

     "I heard she slept with him".

     " She doesn't look like someone who can't do it".

     "She acts so pure, but she's just a disgusting piece of shit".

     I was suddenly pushed into the locker my ribs feeling and hating the impact, the queen bitch of the school stood in front of me in all her glory, her simple-minded minions, flanking her.

     "Stay away from him, just because he stood up for you means nothing, you're nothing more than a useless nobody, a slut". Her breath stank of garlic and onions and I fought the urge to barf. She didn't need to tell me before I knew who she was talking about.


     He made his way to where I was being bullied at a leisurely pace, he hadn't seen what was going on, that much was obvious. On getting closer, I noticed that he was slightly limping, he had a black eye, a bruised lip, and probably a broken nose, but he still looked so beautiful.

     He looked at me and it was like something clicked to place in his mind, he immediately raised his gaze to the queen bitch who had her hands on her hip, her trying to look innocent and seductive, but failing badly.

     " The next time I catch you laying your disgusting hands on her, I'll make sure you're the first female I ever hit". He said that with souch venom in his tone that I involuntarily shrunk into the locker I was still pressed against.

     He noticed my movement and looked at me, his gaze slightly softening, he walked towards me, cautiously, like a predator approaching it's prey, I just kept shrinking into myself, the fear rolling off me in waves.

     He gently grabbed my hand, and led me away from the crowd, we walked in silence for a while, it took me a while to notice that he was taking me towards the roof of the school, I immediately freaked out and tried to run away from his hold, me failing obviously.

     No, I couldn't afford to miss class, if he found out, he'd kill me.

     I needed to get away, and fast.

     The negative thoughts just came coming to me, I couldn't afford to skip school, skipping school was a sure lane to being punished. He sat me down on the bench that was used by the jocks and cheerleaders for their fun during lunch.

     He sat as well, took off his bag, rummaged through it and brought out a sandwich which he stretched to me signalling me to take it. I stared at him, confused as to why he was being so nice to me.

     " Take it, you need to get your energy up, you look tired." I looked at it, then at him. After seeing that he wasn't going to stop trying to offer it until I took it, I collected it and slowly opened the plastic wrap, I took a bit me of the sandwich and I felt like I was in heaven, sandwiches were a luxury for me, a once in a year meal, and even then, it was always leftovers. Before I knew it, I was done with the sandwich, and I was full.

     I wished there was some way I could express my thanks, but, I'm mute, so.." Why do you allow them bully you like that?" I didn't reply his question and instead, I just stared at him, trying to memorise every feature on my saviours face.

     I didn't even know when I began to nod off, but before I knew it, I was out like a light.

     I woke up feeling groggy, but well rested, that was the best that I'd slept in a very long time. He was still there, just staring at me like I was the most interesting thing in the world. I was drawn in by his eyes, which I was growing way too fond of. I knew that if I wasn't careful, I'd drown in those steely depths.

     I was suddenly brought back to my senses when I saw students already closing for the day, and my heart stopped for a moment, I knew that I was dead, it's only by miracle that I'd manage to survive this when I got back to my personalised hell.

     I immediately hopped up from my sitting position, and grabbed my bag to get the hell off the roof. I was stopped by a hand grabbing mine, I turned back to look into his steely orbs, which were staring at me in confusion, but I couldn't afford to be distracted this time.

     I dragged my hand out of his and began to run down the staircase and all the way home. On getting home, I saw the door slightly ajar, and my heart began a frantic dance in my chest. Cautious walking inside, I saw my sperm donor lying on the ground obviously drunk and directly at the foot of the staircase.

     I tried to cautiously cross over him, but I wasn't in luck coz as I put my foot on the staircase, he dragged me down and descended on me, as I  hoped that this would finally be the end.

Chapter two finally out guyssssssss.

A total of 907 words, I know it's a little short but I just wanted to get it out to you guys on time. Chapter three is coming out next week people.

See you guys then.

Love you guys lotsssss 😚

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