-Plight of the fallen spy-

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Inspired by episode 6 of season 5 "The Patient"

It was a normal day as Carrie walked to school that morning. Of course, it's only normal until she gets to school, being an undercover spy and all. After getting to the building, it doesn't take long before she and her teammates get called down to headquarters for a mission. Approaching the school, Carrie saw a black car pull up in front of her, and out stepped Rose her friend, and teammate.

"Rose!" Carrie greeted, walking up next to her. Rose greeted her back in silence; Carrie understood that was due to her dad being in the car. She knew he was not too fond of Rose and her so-called "friends". Ignoring that, the two made their way to the building, momentarily entering the classroom. 

Scanning around the room, they both noticed Oscar wasn't there.

It seemed like they weren't the only two to wonder since Avril was also looking around to see if her beloved blondie was there.

"Have any of you heard from-" Avril questioned, but got interrupted by Oscar himself, bolting into the classroom. "Ah, never mind..."

"Sorry I'm late, the bus didn't come according to schedule so I had to run," Oscar explained, heaving for his breathing to regulate again. Sitting down by his desk, Mrs King showed up seconds later; one moment earlier and she would've marked Oscar late, and that wouldn't make his morning any better.

"Alright everyone, today we are reading chapter five of your books as a class. Who is willing to read out loud first?" Mrs King asked, eyeing the class. Since no one raised their hands she picked someone out and the class got started. 

After a few minutes, right before Rose was going to read, the three felt their communicators start beeping in their pockets. Rose made eye contact with Oscar and Carrie, so on cue, they could come up with an excuse to leave the classroom.

"Mrs King, I am terribly sorry but I have to go and...feed Mr Flatley's goldfish! Donovan can read next!" Rose said, getting up to leave before Mrs King nor Donovan could protest.

"Oh, and I just remembered, I left my phone in the gym! Be right back!" Carrie excused, rushing out of the room right after Rose. Oscar hadn't come up with an excuse yet and stared dumbfounded at the door, wishing he could come up with something fast, that wasn't the bathroom...again. 

A few seconds later, he started feeling stressed and got up, quietly muttering "bathroom" to Ms King before he too left.

"Well then...Donovan, go ahead and continue reading then." Ms King sighed, rolling her eyes at the three students who never stayed in class more than a few minutes before always having some excuse to leave.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

Out in the hallway, Oscar being last, finally caught up with his teammates by the cleaning scrub; the two girls chuckled as he approached, clearly amused that he decided to use the bathroom excuse yet again, despite trying hard not to.

"Yeah yeah, I used it again." Oscar snapped, swinging the door open to the scrub, letting the girls in first, before closing it after himself. As the three stood cramped in the small scrub, Carrie who was standing closest to the lever, pulled it and soon a ding was heard before the scrub, or secret elevator down to headquarters went. In full blast down the elevator shaft, Oscar, Rose, and Carrie's uniforms were transformed into their spy uniforms. Black tight leather clothing, with stylish hairdos and makeup to complete the look. 

A few seconds later, the elevator was at the bottom and opened up to reveal their headquarters; an underground base that looked similar to a cleaner version of a high-tech sewer.

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