Chapter Three: A Rune Stone

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Over the weekend, as well as the weeks that followed, Erika was suckered into working with the druids of the village, where she did her best to learn all about them. She started to form ties with the Druids and the Keepers of Aideen. Erika had managed to befriend with two other horses, a spirited dappled faded black Andalusian stallion that Erika had named Firefly and a beautiful dappled gray Andalusian mare that Erika had named Nightshade.
Erika and Rhiannon had both left Valedale Village a little while ago and had a long day's journey into night ahead of them still. Erika didn't know where she was going to spend the night. The duo had to go to one of the oldest cities of Jorvik, Jarlaheim, to check on the newborn foals to see if any of the foals were born as Starbreeds.
The duo kept up their rapid pace. Rhiannon rode in front of her companion on Nix, with Erika and Nightshade. It was nice to focus on the ride, becoming one with the horse's movements. Alternating between a trot, canter, and gallop, they both rode into the twilight until they saw a decent clearing to set up a camp.
Erika had immediately felt a stab of relief hit her when they approached a pleasant glade. They both started to set up camp in the glade with the help of Nix and Nightshade.
They both watered their horses and sat down around the campfire. They both started roasting hot dogs, marshmallows for s'mores, and apples. The lights from the fiery campfire flickered warmly in the night. Erika felt warm inside, something about this ride was doing her good.
Erika felt her weariness kick in, she put out the fire and went into her tent. But Rhiannon poked her head out of her tent and met Nix's gaze. "Night Nix." The stallion whinnied softly in return. "Wake me up if there's any lost riders or an emergency." Nix snorted softly and nodded from his protective stance in front of the two tents.
"Night Nightshade." The mare whinnied softly in return. Nightshade nickered softly and took on a protective stance in front of the two tents.
When the moon slowly rose in the place of honor on the darkening violet backdrop, the stars around it had deviated drastically from the night before. Prominent constellations moved in a wide arc parallel to the moon's path, while the lesser ones framed them intermittently. The North Star was shining brightly as the moon. The other stars seemed to be swirling playfully through the sky, like splashes of water.

By the next day, the two riders packed up their camping equipment and rode across the fields between the three gaits. The duo kept up their rapid pace. Rhiannon rode in front of her companion on Nix, with Erika and Nightshade.
The morning sun shone down on the great fortress of Jarlaheim. The crowds were beginning to come through the marketplace as the heat of the day begun to rise. The early yellow light made the buildings and balconies gleamed like ancient silver. Locals inspected the produce and goods. But among them wandered foreigners in unique clothes and women with equally unique makeup. A little away from the crowds of the people was Erika on Nightshade and Rhiannon on Nix by her student's side.
The girl scanned the crowd curiously, but a faint look of loneliness entered her blue eyes as gazed at the crowds of people. Erika sighed wearily and started riding carefully through the town without accidentally bumping into anyone.
A group of young girls stared at Erika, some with envy while others gave her looks of old admiration. The looks she received from the young men were less divisive. They stared with widened eyes and mouths opened ajar, some even winked and flexed their muscles. Erika rolled her eyes at the sight and looked away from them.
The children's reactions were more pleasant. They waved and and smiled with innocent enthusiasm. A few elderly villagers and younger people were also friendly. Her eyes softened when she saw an elderly couple sitting on a bench. The husband gifted his wife a rose.
The Trader's Market was more energetic than Erika expected. There were people coming to and from various shops and stands to sell a variety of items like handcrafted jewelry, plates, and pottery, some being made right there next to the stands as a crowd of people watched the artists at work. Jugglers entertained the locals and visitors, minstrels playing on their lutes, accordions, and pipes. The music was infectious, pulling Erika to join in the group of people who got up to dance in the town square.
People were selling cooked meat and deep-fried kabobs on sticks, cooked fish sliced up and served with lemon at an outdoor restaurant, fresh berries being squeezed into wine for the grownups and juice for the children, and of course sugary treats like caramel apples, pies, ice cream, and bars of chocolate, some molded into the form of animals like dogs, horses, and bears. A few were shaped like dragons or griffins, and even bunny rabbits. Erika's stomach grumbled as she took in the smell. Every aroma intermixing in a way that made her hunger grow with each breath.
Luckily for her, Rhiannon shared her sentiment. Rhiannon paid for Erika's meal while she and the horses had their meals. Erika was amazed and happy by how good the food tasted. The oil spaghetti with shrimp was delicious and the cupcake she was offered was addictively sweet.
But the peaceful feeling in the town square had disappeared when everyone heard a loud, panicked whinny.
People screamed at the rampage of the panicked horse. Many of them dragged children and their pets indoors. Others went into some nearby stores. But some people surrounded the panicked horse.
But Erika had gave Nightshade's reins to Rhiannon and joined the circle of horse handlers and stablehands. Erika recognized the spooked stallion. It was Sonja's stallion partner, Kasper, from the rides in the Hollow Woods.
"Somebody has to take hold of the reins," whispered one of the handlers to another.
Without saying a word, Erika slipped away from the other handlers and walked towards the panicked horse. The stablehands stiffened and gasped quietly at the sight.
Erika slowly, but carefully approaching Kasper.
The stallion was slowly, but surely calming down as Erika carefully approached him. But everyone heard a small crack from a person's boot stepping on a branch by accident.
At that, Kasper started whinnying and rearing in a startled panic once again. Erika was swift with her movements as she suddenly ran towards the panicked stallion. She managed to take hold of the loose reins and dodged the slashing hooves of the spooked stallion.
"Whoa! Calm down fella." Erika's voice was surprisingly calm and soothing like summer rain. She gently stroked Kasper's muzzle and the stallion soon calmed down. "Easy boy. It's okay."
"Erika." She looked over her shoulder to see the vet approaching her and the stallion. "You did a good job at calming him down. But can you hold him still once I checked up on him?" Erika nodded with a sympathetic smile.
As Erika gently held Kasper's reins and kept the stallion calm for the vet, the vet started using a stethoscope to listen to Kasper's heart. The vet used a otoscope to check Kasper's ears and then got out a flashlight tool to check the stallion's alert eyes. The vet put her tools away into her white doctor's bag, then the vet started lightly touching the stallion's legs as she searched for any scratches or wounds.
The vet stood up with a warm smile and patted the stallion's flank. "He's one healthy horse. He probably gotten spooked by something."
But as Erika petted his neck, she spotted an empty black saddle that's strapped on top of a blue steeplechase blanket. "And bucked off his rider by accident."
"Oh dear." The vet glanced at the agitated stallion. "You should probably find this fella's rider and bring them to my office."
"Will do." At that, Erika followed Kasper's lead while riding Nightshade and held the stallion's reins as he walked towards a secret path behind Jorvik Stables Arena.
Suddenly, a clearing carpeted with soft grass had opened up. The clearing was bathed in a warm, golden sunlight. There was a large stone monolith with ancient writings and unique carvings on it, with some rocks underneath it.
"What is that thing?" Erika asked, sounding both bewildered and defensive, as she gazed at the rune stone.
"Kasper!" On the other side of the rune stone was Sonja and Kasper eagerly nuzzled Sonja as she hugged him. Erika cracked a smile at their reunion.
"What happened?" Erika asked, sounding both bewildered and curious, as she gazed at the rune stone warily. "And what is that?"
"It's a rune stone," explained Sonja. "It's all over the island."
"But what happened?" Erika eyed the rune stone and gave a canteen of water to Sonja. "What made you stop here?"
"The rune stone had somehow started glowing!" Sonja's voice had raised at that last word, which made Erika stepped back a bit. 
Erika gave Sonja a doubtful look, but she knew it was probably true and cause some situations that regarded Sonja. But she knew that she had to test her, just in case. "Glowing?" She glanced at the rune stone while she placed her hand on the rune stone to feel the carved markings. She looked back at Sonja doubtfully and with a touch of wary curiosity. "Are you sure you didn't hit your head too hard?"
"Very funny." Sonja gave Erika a playful glare. "But it did glowed."
Erika gave Sonja a dubious look. "If you say so. Let's get going..."
But all of the sudden, the rune stone started to glowing bright pink within the ancient carvings. Erika cried out in pain and pulled her hand off of the glowing rune stone. It was glowing like a small burning pink fire in the center of her right hand. It sounded as if a piece of a hot iron had been placed onto the center of her hand.
Erika gritted her teeth her pain and held her hand upwards. The palm of her hand revealed a strange marking have been made. There seemed to be a marking of a lightning bolt going through three circles in the center of her hand.
"Erika!" Sonja exclaimed, her eyes wide with horrified panic and confusion. "Are you okay?"
She gritted her teeth in pain as the burning had slowly came to a stop. But the strange marking remained firmly on the palm of her hand. "I—I'm fine." She quietly strengthened her resolve and hid her scarred hand with a black fingerless glove. "Let's bring you to the doctor."
At that, Erika helped Sonja onto Kasper's saddle and used the reins to lead the stallion back to Jarlaheim. But they were unaware that a crow with glowing eyes on top of the wall, clearly had seen their encounter with the rune stone.

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