The Japanese Connection

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Minho drew his bucked hat down as far as it would go without hindering his sight, and resisted the temptation to look around before he entered the sex shop. He didn't want to draw attention to himself. Right now he was just a regular guy about to stock up on lube and condoms. A bell chimed as he stepped inside, but the old man behind the counter didn't acknowledge that there was a new customer in his shop and simply ignored him. Minho didn't know if it was lack of manners or a strategy to make customers feel less awkward.

The shop was decent sized and lit by fluorescent lights that would have hurt his eyes if it weren't for the hat, which he had put on to help hide his identity. It wasn't his first time visiting this shop, so Minho didn't ask for help, but walked down the aisles looking for something that could inspire him. Jisung wanted a celebration, after all. They had received their tests results yesterday, and they were both relived to find out that they were clean. However Jisung had been dead on his feet when he came home from JYP late in the evening, so Minho had ordered him to bed for sleep – not sex.

As a part of Stray Kids' production team, Jisung had been vital in the preparations before the representatives from the Japanese record company had arrived in Seoul. The workload had been intense, and the two of them had hardly seen each other outside JYP. Today was Saturday and Minho had let his boyfriend sleep in, since he really needed it. There was going to be a dinner tonight with representatives from both JYP and Yagami Entertainment, but until then all the members were free to do as they wanted.

Minho stopped at the shelf he had been looking for and scanned his options. The store's selection had grown since he last time he had a reason to look for something like this. He picked a box at random and inspected the size and colour, not bothering to look at the price tag. With furrowed brows he put the box back and picked up another, but dismissed that option as well after only inspecting it for a few seconds. He took a step back to take in the shelf as a whole. At the top, there were boxes in matt black, with silver lettering in a stylish font. The electronic security tag hinted at a higher price, but Minho didn't care. It was the Bluetooth symbol that drew him in. He grinned behind his face mask. Chan would kill him if he found out, but there was a solution for that. Minho just had to make sure that he didn't.

*** ***

Jisung had the weirdest dream. A handsome man in a dark suit had been walking beside him when he suddenly drew a katana and started to stalk towards him with an evil glare. Somehow he didn't feel scared. He just yelled that it was time to fight and then several goblins crowded both of them. Blue flames erupted and one of the goblins took off his red hat and pulled it over Jisung's eyes. The next thing he knew he was blinking his eyes to make sense of his surroundings, looking at Minho who was sitting at his bedside. He had spent another night in Minho's room, and judging from the light falling from the window, his boyfriend had let him sleep in.

"Hey, there." Minho's voice was smooth as honey and made Jisung feel tingly on the inside. "Hey, yourself. It's you, right? You're not just a dokkaebi messing with me?" Minho raised an eyebrow. "Just who are you calling a goblin, Hannie?" Jisung couldn't stop himself from giggling, before he stretched to get the blood flowing in his stiff body. "Never mind, I just had a weird dream." The corner of Minho's full lips twitched slightly. "A dream, hm? Maybe you're still dreaming?"

Jisung shook his head with vigor. "Nah, I can't be. If this was my dream you wouldn't be sitting there with all your clothes on. You'd be naked under the covers with me." He gave his boyfriend a cheeky grin, hoping that Minho would take the bait, before he tugged on his boyfriends waistband with a small pout. Without another word, Minho stood up from the bed and started to undress. Jisung could feel that his blood was indeed flowing faster now, and it was heading south. He licked his lips when he saw that Minho had a semi already. "Can I taste you? Please?" The words just fell out of his mouth, and he couldn't take them back, even if he had wanted to.

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