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YN's blood ran cold as the stranger's words sent chills down her spine. She turned back to see who that person was. To her horror, YN found herself face-to-face with a figure she had never seen before. The stranger's red eyes bore into hers, filled with an unsettling intensity that made her heart race even faster. After all this, she was curious to know who that person was. The face was not visible, but only the red eyes of the stranger. She somehow formed up the courage to ask in a tribbling voice, "Who...who..who are you? "Your death."The stranger's lips curled into a sinister smile, revealing sharp, glistening teeth. YN's breath caught in her throat as she realized the gravity of the situation. "HELP! Somebody, please help me." YN started to scream for help while banging on the door 

Jimin, who almost reached the college campus, feels stronger; actually, he sensed some danger. He went and checked the classrooms, and suddenly he came across the class where the class door was open. He went into the room only to see a mess of classroom books falling to the ground. He picked up the book that had fallen to the ground. The name on the books seemed familiar to him; it was none other than YN's book. At first, Jimin was a bit confused. Why would Yn's book fall to the ground, and why would it be in a classroom? He started to worry if something had happened to YN. Jimin quickly took out his phone and dialed YN's number, hoping for a quick answer to ease his growing concern. Jimin could hear a buzzing sound in the class room, which was Yn's phone lying on the floor between the mess of books. He picked up the phone and saw YN's bag on the floor. 

He decided to check if his worries about YN were true, so he called Taehyung. "Jimin-na, good that you called. I was about to call you. YN is missing. We tried to reach out, but she did not pick up the call, and her jungkook went to her house, but the caretaker of her house said that she did not return from the college. Ill send Jungkook to check at her friends house. You reach college. Let us search in college." Taehyung said this while driving the car toward the college. "Okay, got it," Jimin said, hanging up the call.

As soon as Jimin hangs up the call, he hears YN's shouting for help. He rushes towards the voice that came from the corner of the floor."There is no use in asking for help; it's only me and you on this whole campus," says the stranger. Yn stopped banging on the door after hearing the stranger's word. She turns back to the stranger and asks, "Why do you want to kill me?" "You have the thing that we need to get back into our bodies and survive," says the stranger in a cold, menacing tone. YN's eyes widen in confusion as she tries to comprehend the stranger's cryptic words. "What thing are you talking about?" she asks, her voice trembling with fear. The stranger smirks, revealing a sinister glint in their eyes, and ominously replies, "The key to our existence... your soul."

"Leave her alone!" A voice comes from the other side of the room, which makes both YN and the stranger turn their heads towards the source of the interruption. Standing there is a figure, cloaked in darkness, with a determined look on their face. "You won't lay a finger on her," the figure declares, their voice filled with conviction. Slowly, the figure gets closer to them. As the figure steps into the light, YN recognise their familiar features and gasps in disbelief. "Jimin," YN whispers, a glimmer of hope replacing their fear. The stranger's smirk fades after seeing Jimin. "She is not the one you are looking for," says Jimin with a calm yet commanding tone. The stranger's eyes widen in surprise, clearly caught off guard by Jimin's unexpected appearance and confident statement. YN feels a surge of relief knowing that Jimin is there to protect them, but also wonders how he knows the stranger and what their connection could be. "Seeing you here is unexpected, and if you come to rescue her, then obviously she is the girl I'm looking for. Or else, why would you even come here?" said the stranger. 

The stranger's words hang in the air, leaving YN and Jimin both curious and intrigued. YN can't help but wonder what exactly the stranger meant by "rescue" and what danger might be lurking nearby. Jimin's expression remains stoic as he calmly responds, "You may have mistaken my intentions. I am not here to rescue anyone, but rather to ensure that no innocent is hurt." Do you think I'll believe your words? Did you forget who I am?" The stranger asked in a menacing tone. YN's heart races as she realizes that the stranger knows more about their past with Jimin. What was more surprising was that YN was sure that the stranger and Jimin knew each other. Without having a second thought, the stranger leaned towards Yn to kill her, who closed her eyes in fear. She hears a loud bang as she opens her eyes to see the stranger falling to the ground. She looked towards Jimin, who was standing in the same place as before. 

Without a moment, the stranger started grunting in pain. YN's fear turned into confusion as she watched Jimin's eyes fill with anger and determination. Slowly, the stranger gets up and pushes his right hand toward Jimin. Dark red flames are coming out of his plam. Jimin quickly dodges the attack. As the flames missed Jimin by inches, YN's heart raced with a mix of awe and terror. She had never seen anything like this before. Jimin swiftly retaliated, launching powerful blue flames towards the stranger, who staggered back in surprise. The fight between Jimin and the stranger gets more intense as they exchange blows and fireballs. YN could hardly believe her eyes as she witnessed the incredible display of supernatural abilities. The air crackled with energy, and each move seemed more calculated and precise than the last. 

The stranger was hurt and wanted to distract Jimin, so he launched his fireball towards YN, hoping to use her as a shield. YN's heart skipped a beat as she instinctively dodged the incoming fireball,but the fireball hit the door, which caused a huge disaster. Jimin rushed towards YN, who had fallen to the floor. He checked to make sure she was okay; his concern was evident in his eyes. YN looked up at him, grateful for his protection but still shaken from the close call. The stranger took this opportunity to save himself from Jimin. He quickly retreated, disappearing into the chaos caused by the fireball hitting the door. Jimin relished the disappearance of the danger; he carried YN in his arms and took her out of the library. 

He made her sit in the corridor and was about to leave without saying anything. YN, who was shocked, held his hand and said, "Don't go. He is a danger. What if he does something to you?." "I have to go, YN, or else......" he stops midway. Jimin's eyes widen in surprise as he realizes that YN has discovered his secret. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Finally, he sighed and sat down next to her, his gaze filled with both fear and vulnerability. "You're right, YN," he admitted softly. "He is dangerous, but so am I." 

He caressed YN's face, and he looked deep inside her eyes, seeing her doing the same. "You were reading in the library and dosed off for a while... You don't remember anything that happened today; of the incidents that happened today, you don't remember any of them. Just forget it, okay?" he says in a gentle and reassuring tone. She nodded slowly and fell unconscious. "Sorry YN I had to hypnotise you so that you wouldn't be in danger," Jimin says in a remorseful tone. "I didn't want you to remember the dangerous situations you were in today. It was the only way I could ensure your safety." Jimin used his power to make the library like before and ran towards the garden to check on the stranger.

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