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"Hey la push, you two in?" Eric asks me and Bella

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"Hey la push, you two in?" Eric asks me and Bella.

The name rings in my mind as I try to remember where I had originally heard it.

"Should I know what that means?" Bella asks.

"La push beach, down by the quiloette rez" Mike informs, taking a seat next to Jessica.

Jessica smiles sheepishly at his presence.

"And there's a big swell coming in" Jessica adds.

Eric stands up and begins performing a surfing motion.

"And I don't just surf the internet"

I snicker and place my fork back in my tray.

"Eric you stood up once, and that was on a foam board" Jessica says in a sassy tone.

"And there's whale watching too, come with us" Angela nudges my shoulder.

"La push baby, it's.. la push" Eric carries on.

"We'll go if you stop saying that" I chuckle.

"Seriously dude, it's creeping me out" Mike cringes.

"What?. Thats how it's called?" Eric asks, confused.

After their endless banter, I stood from my seat and tossed my tray before walking to the nearby glass door.

I push it open and walk into the wet courtyard. I bring my hood over my head and take a seat at one of the tables.

I stare out into the nearby woods and watch as the occasional bird flies under the branches.

"Y'know, only sociopaths willingly sit alone in the rain" a southern accent calls out.

I turn and see jasper walking towards me.

"Is that so?" I ask

He chuckles and pulls his hood over his head. He walks towards me and takes a seat next to me.

"This isn't anyone's seat now is it?" He asks, sarcastically.

I snicker and shake my head.

"Not of anyone that is important"

I go silent and look out into the woods.

"So why are you out here?" He asks.

I shrug and bring my knees to my chest.

"Clearing my head"

He leans back and his hand brushes my side. I shiver slightly and immediately notice his cold hands. I shake it off and look back out.

"Something bothering you?" He asks

I sigh and turn to him.

"There's this guy. I don't really... Well.. have mutual feelings. We went out last night and went back to my place. At the end of the night I felt really guilty for not really liking him." I admit.

HONEST | Book One (jasper Hale x  OC) Where stories live. Discover now