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Eleanor Saint was nursing a headache the next day. Most of what happened was all in a blur and her friends weren't exactly near her to remind her of all the stupid things she did that night. Farleigh was drunker than her so when they saw each other on the way to the library, he couldn't even tell her how he got home. Elle could only remember remnants of the bright green lights, the vile never-ending shots, and a flash of Felix placing a cigarette in her mouth-letting his touch linger on her lips for a second.

Elle shut her eyes, another blinding headache following through. She was sitting on a chair against the shelves, hidden in the corner or from any direct sunlight. A heart shaped sunglasses in her eyes while she tried to flip over a page of a book she couldn't bring herself to read.

"Thought I'd find you here." Elle blinked and looked up. At first sight was a man in a cream jumper, not a trace of alcohol or hangover in his system unlike her. And he was holding a steaming cup. "Tea?"

"You're a saint." She mumbled, thanking him lowly as she took a sip and felt incredibly warm. Elle hummed and saw Felix grinning, his back by the window just watching her. "What?" She asked.

"You look so beautiful today." Elle had no idea what exactly happened last night but at the state of her when she woke up this morning, Felix had to still be drunk or high, there's no in-between. "So beautiful." He murmured, and another memory of last night reminded her that she and Felix are in the middle of the dance floor, her arms around his neck while his were safely in her waist, almost never wanting to let her go anytime soon.

"Felix, last night..." She said, holding the cup on both palms to warm her up. "I think I went overboard and I'm not sure if I'm remembering everything correctly." There it was again, like some form of lightning strike, taking out the charm in his eyes as he stood straight. "It's just-"

"It's alright, Ellie." He said, a small smile on his lip and the faintest hurt in his tone. "Guess I'll see you around?" He started walking, but a hand halted his steps, palms against each other, wondering who would crack first and intertwine them.

"You didn't let me finish. I was saying-that last night was a blur and I don't like not remembering things. So, I want to take it slow." Felix caved in. As soon as he heard those words, relief flee through his chest and he intertwined their fingers together, fitting so perfectly. He took a step back, looking at his reflection on her heart-shaped glasses and seeing himself with a big smile. Like a man who won the damn lottery.

SAINT ― felix catton ✓Where stories live. Discover now