Chapter 7

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When the dinner rolled around they where 5 minutes late (Ron: when are they getting her) ginny looked at him when someone came through the flow (Draco: sorry we where late we where occupied) hermione walked next to him blush on her cheeks that didn't go unnoticed by ron. He stood up and walked over to them (Ron: hermione, malfoy I asked ginny to help me make this meeting because I wanted to apologize for how I behaved at the reunion i was not in my right mind I wasn't thinking about how things can change when I would be gone and I was a fuel for thinking that you wouldn't have moved on and for that I apologize and if malfoy makes you happy then I wish you two the best in life and hope that we can all be friends). Hermione and draco looked at him first draco spoke up (Draco: I expect your apology and from what harry told me and my wife that she is like your sister so don't worry I well protect her) then they shock there hands then it was hermiones turn (Hermione: you really hurt me Ron but I hope we can put our past behind us and all be friends like you said so I expect your apology) ron wanted to blow his cover so badly but he know that he needed to wait but at the same time he was thinking that maybe he was wrong and that hermione was truly happy with malfoy but he brushed those thoughts aside. They all want to set down for dinner and catch up ron told them what happened when he was gone and when he was done hermione told him how things have changed with him leaving and how her and draco ended up together after the dinner was done they all thanked ginny and want there separate ways hermione and draco want back to there manor and ron want back to his place that he used to share with lavender (Hermione pov) (Hermione: the dinner was nice) she told her husband as she got into her lingerie and silk robe he put his book down in there marriage she rubbed off on him when it came to reading (Draco: yeah it was but do you think weasley is actually telling the truth). She looked at him worry in her eyes but a cute smile he loved so much (Hermione: only time well tell us that love) she got on the bed and he put the book on the side table he opened his arm and hermione layed down on his chest with his arm around her they fall asleep the sun shining through the next morning usually they closed there curtains but they where way to tired he looked over at his beautiful wife she was still asleep so he quietly got up and got his robe on  it was a fluffy one but expensive and headed downstairs. He decided that he was going to suprise her with breakfast in bed but this time he was going to make them instead of the elfs he know she loved  pancakes in the morning with strawberries in the middle of him cooking one of the elfs walked in (Elf: Mr malfoy do you need help) draco turned around and smiled at the creature thanks to his wife he learned to appreciate the house elfs and everything that they do (Draco: no it's alright I want to suprise my wife by doing this by myself but if I need your help I well call) the creature smiled and existed the kitchen when draco was finished he want up to there bedroom with a tray in his hands the tray had the pancakes he made with strawberries and chocolate syrup on top and a glass of milk. As he put the tray down on the bedside table he looked at his wife and gently put his arm on her shoulder moving it back and forth she opened her eyes after a few minutes (Hermione: hey what time is it) he smiled (Draco: it's time to wake up beautiful) hermione slowly set up and looked over at the nightstand (Hermione: you brought me breakfast and my favorite) she kissed him and he returned it (Draco: of course I wanted to suprise you) draco smiled and hermione returned her own smile but she know that draco wasn't doing this just as a suprise for her it was more she could see something in her eyes that he wasn't telling her she started to eat but in the middle the thought couldn't live her mind so with serious but a gentle expression she asked (Hermione: what are you not telling me draco I know it's something). He looked at her feeling guilty but he know it's better not to keep stuff from his wife (Draco: the reason why I wanted to suprise you with breakfast this morning is because I am going on a business trip in a couple days) hermione looked happy but sad at the sametime (Hermione: how long well you be gone for) (Draco: only a week my darling I won't be gone for that long and I well have my mother or father check up on you or one of your friends) hermione used magic to put the tray on the table that was in the room and pulled him into a hug and dragging him into the bed they started to cuddle (Hermione: I wish you didn't have to leave for this trip) she mumbled into his chest draco hugged her stronger (Draco: I know but if this trip goes good that means are company well be set) hermione smiled I know this meant a lot to him.

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