Chapter 9

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TW: This chapter contains references to complications

during pregnancy/labour and Mental illness.

Shadows of the Past


I take a deep breath and try to calm my heart as I think of what to say. It's obvious that something really scared my little girl, but I don't want to overwhelm her.

"Are you okay, Luce? Are you hurt? What happened?" I ask my shaking daughter.

So much for not overwhelming her.

"I don't know, Mom. I thought I saw... something and went inside. The door closed behind me, and it was dark. I just got scared, that's all," she gives a muffled reply, still standing with her face pressed into my shirt. I feel like she's not telling me everything, but I know that Lucy is the type of child who draws away when she feels overwhelmed.

I look at Josh for support, but he seems to be as uncertain and concerned as I am.

"You're sure you aren't hurt, Luce?" he asks gently, giving me a shaky smile of relief when Lucy nods.

"Well then. Why don't we take a break from cleaning and exploring?" he suggests, clasping his hands together, trying to sound optimistic, but I can hear the slight quiver in his voice. He was as shaken as I was when we thought that something terrible was happening to Lucy. "You go and find a quiet spot to draw, and we grown-ups will go rustle up some coffee and snacks. I'm sure I saw ice cream in those shopping bags you ladies brought in earlier?" he coaxes cheerfully.

Relaxing under his attempt at being upbeat and normal, Lucy slowly releases me, pulling out of my restraining embrace. When my hand glides over her bare arm, she gives a soft yelp of pain and startled, the three of us examine her arm.

A bruise mars the creamy softness of her otherwise flawless skin.

"Ouch," Josh exclaims, leaning in closer to get a better look, but Lucy snatches her arm away, taking a step back.

"Maybe I knocked my arm against something when I tried to get the door open," she volunteers a bit too quickly. Swallowing heavily against the anxious knot forming in my throat, I glance at Josh, who saves the day by escorting Lucy down the passageway, singing a song I think he might have made up. Something about a pirate named Rhyder and his Happy Harpy crew.

Still not feeling at ease about any of this, I nervously peer into the room, but all I can see is a very old bed and more clutter, dust swirling in the weak light filtering in from the hallway. I'm definitely calling a clear-out crew later to get rid of this. 

Ugh! I'm already so over all this clutter!

There's a shimmer of movement in the shadows of a corner when I turn to walk away. Startled, I stop, squinting into the depths of the room. My heart is hammering loudly in my chest, the sound a reverberating hum in my head.


It must have been my eyes playing tricks on me, blending the shadows together, moving in the unsteady light. Releasing a shuddering sigh, I quickly pull the door shut.



Isabelle and I left Luce in our indoor campsite while we went to the kitchen on a quest for ice cream and coffee. It broke my heart to see Lucy look so vulnerable with her earphones on and her sketchpad in her lap.

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