Chapter 11

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As the days unfolded, Yunjin and Eunchae found themselves drawn into a deeper connection, their laughter becoming a symphony of shared moments. Kazuha and Garam, however, observed this growing closeness with a mix of unease and discomfort. Garam, grappling with emotions she wasn't ready to confront, finally decided it was time to be honest with herself and, more importantly, with Kazuha.

One day, after Chaewon, Eunchae, and Kazuha returned from an outing, Garam awaited them alongside Sakura. Determination etched on her face, Garam declared her intention to take Kazuha somewhere, signaling her eagerness to reveal her true feelings. Sakura, sensing potential trouble, tried to dissuade Kazuha from going, suggesting they all return together. However, Garam insisted, leaving Kazuha in a difficult position.

Opting not to hurt Garam's feelings, Kazuha agreed to accompany her, reassuring Sakura that everything would be fine. As they left, Eunchae followed Chaewon's lead, leaving Sakura with a sense of disquiet. She couldn't shake the feeling that Garam's motives extended beyond a simple outing and worried about the potential impact on their friendships.

The next day in the dining room, a wave of shock swept through everyone as Garam and Kazuha entered, hands interwined, announcing their newfound relationship. Sakura's eyes darted immediately to Yunjin, searching for a reaction, but Yunjin maintained a stoic expression, offering no visible response. Eunchae, too, chose to keep her gaze fixed on her food, avoiding the unfolding situation.

Chaewon, perceptive to the awkward atmosphere, decided to break the silence by offering her congratulations to the newly revealed couple. She nudged Sakura, encouraging her to say something, and with a forced smile, Sakura managed to extend her congratulations. Yunjin followed suit, a polite smile on her face, and Eunchae, although visibly uncomfortable, joined in as well.

Garam, reveling in the attention, pulled Kazuha closer, sharing a signal eye contact that seemed to solidify their newfound status as a couple. The dining room, once a space of camaraderie, was now tinged with an unspoken tension, leaving each person to grapple with their own thoughts and emotions.

Kazuha retreated to her room, her thoughts consumed by the events of the previous night. In a flashback, Garam had confessed her feelings to Kazuha, who sensed the unspoken truth—Garam's true affections lay elsewhere, with Eunchae. Despite Garam's attempts to deny it, Kazuha had observed the longing looks, especially when Eunchae was with Yunjin. Stunned, Garam questioned how Kazuha knew, to which Kazuha, drawing from her own experiences, explained the signs of unrequited love.

Garam cautioned that Yunjin was challenging to love, predicting it would only bring hurt. Undeterred, Kazuha insisted on trying, expressing her determination. Garam acknowledged Kazuha's toughness and shared her own history of vying for the same person as Yunjin. Though that person had chosen Yunjin, Kazuha, recounting a similar experience, gently rejected Garam, emphasizing that her feelings were those of friendship, not romantic love. Garam, understanding, revealed that her heart belonged to Eunchae, not Kazuha. The air hung heavy with unspoken emotions, leaving Kazuha to grapple with the complexities of unrequited love.

Garam shared her heartfelt concerns about Yunjin's well-being with Kazuha, expressing a desire to help her friend find happiness once again. Recognizing that neither she nor Sakura had been successful in aiding Yunjin's recovery over the past three years, Garam turned to Kazuha for assistance. Garam believed that Kazuha, not as close to Yunjin as Sakura, could play a crucial role in bringing back the old Yunjin. Garam explained her plan to make Yunjin confess her feelings, proposing that she and Kazuha pretend to be in a relationship. She hoped this would prompt Yunjin and Eunchae to open up about their emotions.

Kazuha, intrigued by Garam's proposal, inquired about the events of three years ago, but Garam insisted that Yunjin would share that story when she was ready. Asking for Kazuha's agreement to the plan, Garam acknowledged that Eunchae might be hurt, but she emphasized that both Eunchae and Garam were denying their feelings. Kazuha, concerned about Eunchae, set the condition of no kissing, to which Garam playfully agreed, smirking.

Kazuha thanked her for the offer, sealing the agreement with a cheek kiss. Garam, teasingly, suggested doing it more often in front of Yunjin and Eunchae, prompting Kazuha to playfully slap her hands. The two friends laughed together, looking forward to the role they would play in helping Yunjin and Eunchae confront their feelings.

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