Chapter 8

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The next morning, Yunjin woke up to find that the others had likely left for their jobs or other activities. She followed her usual routine, taking a shower and dressing without a hint of concern. When she descended the stairs, she noticed Garam giving her side-eye glances. However, Yunjin remained unfazed, standing next to Sakura as if nothing was amiss.

Garam, her frustration seemingly reaching a boiling point, couldn't hold back any longer. She approached Yunjin with a confrontational tone, asking if she knew about what had happened with Kazuha the previous night. Yunjin's response was calm and indifferent. She simply stated that she wasn't interested.

Garam's anger flared, and she was on the verge of losing her temper. She clenched her fists, raising them as if to strike Yunjin, but Sakura swiftly intervened. She stepped between the two, pushing Garam back gently but firmly, preventing a physical confrontation.

Sakura's voice carried a note of reason and restraint as she addressed Garam. "It's not Yunjin's fault, Garam. Let's not do something we'll regret."

However, Garam was not convinced, her frustration still simmering beneath the surface. She pointed an accusing finger at Yunjin, asserting that it was indeed Yunjin's fault. Garam believed that Kazuha's distress was a consequence of Yunjin's actions or lack thereof. With that, she turned and stormed away in a fury.

Yunjin remained composed, watching Garam's retreating figure without a change in her expression. Her calm demeanor masked any emotions that may have stirred within her, leaving her true thoughts and feelings a mystery to the others in the room.

As Sakura continued to express her concern and determination to help Yunjin, the room seemed to grow heavier with the weight of the past and the promises made. Yunjin's initial resistance, her belief that she deserved the torment of her nightmares, was palpable. She shook her head at Sakura's suggestion that Chaewon, Eunchae, and Kazuha could help her, revealing the true reason Chaewon, Eunchae, and Kazuha had come to Korea. It wasn't solely for volunteer training; Sakura had reached out to Chaewon for help.

But Sakura wasn't one to give up easily. She knew the depth of Yunjin's pain and the sense of responsibility that burdened her. She reminded Yunjin of the girl she had loved, the girl who had made her promise to ensure Yunjin didn't destroy her own life. Sakura emphasized that Yunjin needed someone by her side, that she didn't have to carry this pain alone.

"She wouldn't want you to suffer like this," Sakura said softly, her voice filled with empathy. "She asked me to help you find happiness, to make sure you live a life she'd be proud of."

Sakura reached out and placed a hand on Yunjin's shoulder, her touch gentle and reassuring. "Let us help you carry this burden. You don't have to face these nightmares alone. We're here for you, always."

The dinner continued in a heavy silence after Yunjin excused herself and left for her room. Eunchae glanced at Yunjin's empty seat, a concerned look in her eyes, while Garam fiddled with her food, her discomfort evident. Sakura and Chaewon exchanged a knowing look, aware of the underlying tension in the air.

Sakura decided to break the silence. "We need to talk about what's been happening," she said, addressing the group. "It's clear that something is bothering Yunjin, and it's affecting all of us."

Kazuha, her worry for Yunjin evident on her face, nodded in agreement. "I've tried talking to her, but she keeps avoiding me and I'm worried about her."

Garam, who had been quietly observing the situation, spoke up tentatively. "Maybe we should give her some space. She might open up when she's ready."

Sakura considered this but then replied firmly, "I understand the need for space, but we can't let this distance between us continue. We're a team, and we need to support each other, especially during tough times."

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