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"Sooo mated huh?" Tsireya says teasing me.

"Shut up" I say.

"It's a big thing you know?" jake says as he gives us the fish.

I sat in silence with tsireya and the rest of the sully family as we ate.

"Rya what are you doing for your birthday?" Kiri asks.

"Oh I forgot it was my birthday today." I admitted.

"It's your birthday and you forgot?" Loak asks.

"Yes because I don't focus on myself" I say sticking my tongue out at him, he does it back.

"Kids calm down" Neytiri says, sitting beside me and Jake.

We continue eating when tonowari walks in.

"Rya." He says.

"Yes sir?"

"Come to our pod when you are done please."

"Yes sir" I say.

"Oooo I know what this is!" Tsireya says.

"Hey isn't there a ceremony tonight?" Neteyam asks.

"Yes it's for ronals baby" Jake says.

I finish and walk out of the sully pod and to Tonowaris.

"Sir? You needed me?" I ask as I step into their pod.

"Yes Rya, come please." He waves over.

"All the villagers know this is a ceremony for Ry'al, but also for yall." Ronal says. Aonung then stands beside me. We link hands, scared of what she is going to say.

"We want to make yall the official Tsahik and Olo'eyktan of Awa'atlu." Tonowari adds.

Both of us are wide eyed as we looked at them.

"Since Rya is 18 today, we think it's time." Ronal says.

"Wait you remembered my birthday?" I ask.

"Of course, your family." Tonowari says and Aonung rubs my arm.

"Happy birthday, Ma'Rya." He says.

"You asked this didn't you?" I say.

"No, I offered and since it's your birthday we think it's only fair" Ronal says.

I quietly yell in excitement and hug Aonung as he hugs me back. This is a big moment in my life.

"Thank you, Tsahik, and Chief." I saw bowing.

"No need, just call us Ronal and Tonowari now. Your family and the knew Tsahik. Must not tell anybody else. After we announce the baby we will set yall up for the surprise so meet here with us." And they walk out.

Ronal hands me the baby when she asks "please watch him for a bit, we have some matter to discuss with warriors."

I nod and look at his cute little scrunched up face.  His tail wraps around my hand as he coos.

My face scrunched as I watch the cuteness.

"I want a baby" I say.

Without thinking about what I even said I stop.

"That was out is nowhere I'm so sorry" I say.

"It's okay, we can make it happen." Aonung says pecking a kiss on my cheek and sitting down with me and the baby.

We sit like that until we see Ronal and Tonowari come back.

"Ceremony starts soon, go get ready" Ronal says and I run out the door with Aonung. We get into my marui pod and I change tops and necklaces.

Aonung holds my waist as I'm finishing my top.

"You ready, Ma'Rya" he asks.

"Always, Mi Amor" I say.

"I don't know what that means but I love it" he says kissing my shoulder.

"It means, My Love, in one of the many different languages from earth." I say.

"I learned it from one of the scientists" I added, fixing my hair.

"How do I look?" I say turning around.

"Beautiful, Mi Amor" he says.

I chuckle and kiss him on the cheek as we both continue to the ceremony. We separate so he can stand with his family and I stand with the sullys.

I hold neteyams arm preparing for the reactions of the reveal.

"Excited Teyam?" I ask.

"Very" he says.

"We are gathered here to represent our newborn son! Ry'al!! Named after the woman who helped Ronal during the birth, helped our clan in the war!" Tonowari says holding up the baby.

Neteyam shakes me violently and everyone is screaming with joy.

"Rya please come forward." Everyone now knew why he was named Ry'al. I start walking towards Tonowari as I have all eyes on me.

I stand beside them as Tonowari hands me Ry'al, Aonung comes and stands beside me along with Ronal. We all walk off as Tonowari gives another speech.

Tsireya goes and stands with the sullys as Ronal gets the baby into a carrier.

"You must hurry, there's only a few minutes tops. Rya your clothing is over there" Ronal says and walks out the door.

"Hurry Ao" I say as we run all over the place. After a minute or so we have everything on.

"I'm ready Ma'Rya" he says

We both put on eachothers Tsahik and chief garments. We look formal and ready. We listen for our call.

"We have another surprise for you all! Me and Ronal have been thinking and we think it's time to reveal. Come Rya and Aonung."

We both hold hands as we walk up beside tonowari.

"We have chosen them, to lead this clan along side eachother as Tsahik and Olo'eyktan!" Everyone celebrated and Neteyam and Jake is now in tears, happy tears.

I laugh and look at Aonung as he smiles at the crowd. Once it's over we walk down to the sullys.

"TSAHIK?! OLOEYKTAN?!" Neteyam asks.

"Yeah, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone." I laugh.

"That not something you hide" Neteyam makes a pouty lip.

"I had to or your blabber mouth would tell everyone and ruin the surprise." I say crossing my arms.

"Shut up" he says. He hugs me tightly, before I know it all of the sullys are hugging around me.

I turn around and see Aonung with his family. I smile, only to think about how Kai would be so proud of me. I always leave him a head in my hair of his favorite color, yellow. Just for him to always be with me.

A/N: I cried writing the last part😻

A/N: I cried writing the last part😻

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