Chapter 10

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Days had passed and their simple kisses, turns into full make out. They always pour their emotions on their kiss, as Anntonia's flight is getting near.

"It's my flight tomorrow." Anntonia tried smiling, though, her eyes tells the opposite. "Let's make this night memorable."

Michelle sat beside her and plants soft kisses on Anntonia's knuckles. "Of course, we will. I am very glad that I met you, Anntonia. You changed my life, you helped me change myself."

"This might be our last night, right?" Anntonia asked with the hurt and pain visible.

Silence, before Michelle spoke again. "Don't say that. I am sure, you'll come again and visit here, right?"

"I am not quite sure, but I will come and visit here again. I won't ghost you." Anntonia assured.

"Promise me that you will still message me and call me." Michelle said.

"I promise." Anntonia said and they smiled at each other. "You didn't smoke tonight, Michelle."

Michelle smiled before Anntonia connected their lips. Their kiss are slow and romantic. You can feel how gentle and caring they are to each other. Slowly, their kiss starts to be rough as they felt heat rise up to their body. Michelle's hands started traveling through Anntonia's curves, as she asks to enter her tounge.

Michelle's kiss started to make it's way down to Anntonia's jaw, giving it a soft gentle kisses. It was making Anntonia crazy, but she groaned when Michelle stopped and carried her to the bed. She continued kissing Anntonia, making her way down to it's neck. She kisses Anntonia's neck multiple times, trying to find her soft spot. When she heard Anntonia's soft moan, she knew she found it. It was below the jawline, near the ears. She sucked it, leaving a mark.

"Michelle." Anntonia moans softly as Michelle's kiss went down to her chest.

When Michelle noticed that they were getting too far, she stopped and kissed Anntonia's lips.

"I am sorry, Anntonia. I almost lost my control." Michelle apologized as she laid down beside her.

Anntonia gave her a smile. "It's fine. Thank you for understanding me and for respecting me."

"As always, hon." Michelle said and planted a kiss on Anntonia's forehead. "What time is your flight?"

"it's 5 pm, i think? But, I need to go there at 4pm, so I won't be late." Anntonia said.

"Alright. I will accompany you at the airport, but when it's time for you to get inside, I will call you so you won't be bored while you wait."

Anntonia just hummed, feeling tired and sleepy. Michelle sensed it so she just kept her mouth shut and let Anntonia sleep peacefully.


It was 3:30 pm and they were on their way to the airport. Michelle and Anntonia just can't stop being touchy from the moment they wake up.

And about the hickey, Anntonia tried covering it using the foundation, which helped at little. When she found out that her hair can cover it, she just used it to cover the mark. Michelle on the other hand can't stop smiling as she watched how Anntonia gets frustrated on how hard she finds the hickey to cover.

They know that it will take them months or even years to see each other again. They are very thankful that they met each other at Max's party because they wouldn't reach this point if it didn't happen.

Michelle caressed Anntonia's hands. "I am always grateful to have you in my life, Anntonia. You will always be in my heart and my mind."

Anntonia looks at her with twinkling eyes. "I will always be thankful for having you in my back. If you want to come and see me, I can fly here right away."

"Me too, Ann. I can also fly there right away." Michelle can only say.

Once they arrived at the airport, Michelle volunteered to carry Anntonia's heavy luggage bag.

"Take care of yourself there, okay?" Michelle told her.

"Of course. I wouldn't let you see me in a wheelchair." Anntonia replied and they chuckled.

"If you want to talk to me, I will always be available for you. Despite of our busy schedules, I will make time for you, even in the simpliest things that I can do." Michelle said, making Anntonia fluttered.

They reached the entrance of the airport and now, their emotions are mixed. They are feeling sad, happy and nervous.

They faced each other and just looked into each other's eyes. They stared at it, memorizing every details of their faces. Until, Michelle decided to break it.

"I guess, our challenge has come to an end?" Michelle said as she tries hard not to break down.


Anntonia smiles. "We will continue it when we see each other, so it won't end, just a pause."

Michelle looked at Anntonia and held her hards. "I want to give you something before you go, but please open it once you reached your hometown."

"Okay, I will."

Michelle opens her shoulder bag and grabbed a small black box. She gave it to Anntonia and the latter smiled at it.

"Thank you, Michelle. I appreciate it. I promise to open this as soon as I reach home." Anntonia said and hugged Michelle.

"And before you go, I want to say that," Michelle held Anntonia's hands again, and took a deep breath before speaking. "I cherish you more than words can express. Your presence brightens my days, and I can't help but feel a warmth in my heart whenever you're around. You make everything better, and I just wanted you to know how special you are to me. In these days that we're together, I can't help but adore the small things you do. Ann. And I also can't help falling inlove with you."

Anntonia couldn't speak, as she just felt her heart racing, that any moment, it can explode.

"I love you, Anntonia. You don't have to say anything. I just want to show you how I love you." Michelle sincerely said, with her eyes sparkling.

"Michelle, I couldn't say anything for now, I am so sorry. But I want you to know that you're very special to me, and I couldn't lose you. I will always treasure the moments that we shared and we will share together." Anntonia said. She held gently held Michelle's cheeks and caressed them. "If we see each other again, i will let you know what I really feel for you."

"I will take that to my heart so I can remember it." Michelle said and smiled.

They hugged each other tight for the days and nights that they will spend without each other's warmth and presence.

Anntonia broke the hug and looked at Michelle with tears on her eyes. "I will see you soon, Michelle. I will really miss you."

Michelle smiled and wiped Anntonia's tears. "I will miss you too. Say hello to the Thai people for me."

"I will." Anntonia said with smiling through tears. "Even though I still don't want to say this but, I need to get going."

"Alright. Take care." Michelle said in the softest voice ever. She hugged Anntonia once again and plants a kiss on her forehead. She grabbed her coat and covered their faces as she pecked on Anntonia's lips.

"See you soon." Anntonia started walking while giving Michelle a flying kiss.

Michelle's heart ached as she watches her disappear in her eyes. She knows that everything will be back to normal, where she's overworking and just staying in her room when she has no schedule.

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