Chapter 7

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Confusion slaps Michelle as realization hits her. The reward kisses are not just simple kisses anymore. It's getting more intense as day goes by; and it's drives her really crazy. All these things that she feels while kissing Anntonia just makes her mind malfunction and kiss her more.

"What have I done?" Michelle asks herself, feeling stressed. "What do I have to know? What should I do?"

"In where?" Anntonia suddenly asked. "You're talking to yourself."

It startled Michelle a bit, and nervously smiled after. "Oh, nothing. I just like to talk to myself because I feel crazy and stupid."

Anntonia shook her head while smiling, feeling so done with her. "You're really crazy. Anyways, P'Amanda is inviting us to khun Rabiya's house because I don't know, she wouldn't tell me."

"Alright. Are we going like right now?"

"Hmm. We still have an hour to prepare." Anntonia replied. "We should take a shower now."

"Like, together?" Michelle asked, making Anntonia giggle at her.

"Like, you want to take a shower with me?" Anntonia teased and Michelle's cheeks turned pink. "Get your things ready, you will take a shower after me."

"Yes, boss." Michelle said and obeyed. She prepared their things, making things done so they wouldn't have a problem when they will finally go. "It's my turn."

Anntonia smiled. "It's your turn." She said and noticed that Michelle is just looking down. Anntonia thinks that it's because she's just wearing a towel. "Cute."

"Who?" Michelle asked, still looking down. "Who's cute, Anntonia?"

The woman smirked and gently held Michelle's chin, lifting it up slowly. "You." Anntonia answered seductively before kissing Michelle on her lips.

Although Anntonia just finished showering, feeling fresh and cold because of the water temperature, she feels heat all over her body.

After their intense kissing, they looked at each other with sparks in their eyes.

"Is that an advance?" Michelle asked, smiling softly, gently caressing Anntonia's cheeks.

The latter smiled and pecked a kiss on Michelle's lips before answering. "This one's on me." She said and winked, leaving Michelle stunned.


"P'Amanda? Where are you?" Anntonia asked as they make their way on Michelle's car. "We're going there."

They heard loud sighs, before Amanda answered them. "Uhm.. I.. I'm at.. Uhm.. Rabiya's place right now. Uhm.. We are waiting for the two of.. you."

Anntonia gave Michelle a worried look. "Are you okay? You are sighing too much. Your breathing isn't stable."

It took Amanda a minute before answering, and she's still sighing. "I.." She squeaked. "I'm fine, Nong Ann. Just.. I.. feel kinda dizzy. I sent you the address and let's talk here. Bye."

But before Anntonia could bid her goodbye, Amanda had ended the call immediately.

"I feel like there's something wrong." Anntonia said, feeling worried. "What if she passed out after the call?"

Michelle held her hands. "Ms. Rabiya is there, I'm sure she is looking after her because I heard some noises in the background. I heard someone making a shh sound, trying to make Ms. Amanda calm. I guess?"

"Let's buy something that can make her feel okay. We should get going." Anntonia said and Michelle just nodded.

After what felt like a 40 minutes, they arrived at Rabiya's place. The house is big and there are guards in the gate.

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