022. who is in control?

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—two :you should be scared of mewho is in control?

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—two :
you should be scared of me
who is in control?


Lili knew they were in deep shite.

They'd been out at the Big Tree again, Lili and Harry, and they were lying on the riverbank, basking in the warmth (for once, the sun was actually able to break through the thick cloud of pollution). Harry was stretched at her side, trying to remember the words to some song by the Ramones. Lili had her eyes closed, caught half between sleep and wakefulness when a vicious flash of colour scraped across her consciousness. Another dream. A hallucination, again. No, she might be a Seer, Dumbledore said, so it would be a vision. Yes, a vision, for her to desperately cling onto and wait 'til it was over.

Cokeworth street signs, first one and then two: Tyber Hill and Larch, dripping with morning dew, covered in the usual soot. A man, and in his hand — a blackthorn wand. Then, through the alleyway between these two streets, the man crept forth with his wand aimed to attack.

Lili jolted upward with a gasp.

Harry jumped a mile, "Ah! God, you scared me, Lil. What is it?"

Something prickled across Lili's skin — something cold and knowing, and she immediately knew something was wrong. She craned her neck round, looking past the meadow and the Big Tree towards Tyber Hill and Larch. Obviously confused, Harry followed her gaze. One breath, two, three, four... and then a man emerged, with a blackthorn wand in his hand.

The kids had their wands out in a blink, flipping onto their stomachs and peering over the small crest of the hill. Definitely a wizard. As if the wand wasn't a clear enough sign, he was most certainly adorned in wizarding robes. No one in Cokeworth, let alone in their right minds, would wear something like that.

Sighing wearily, Harry made a face, "I'm guessing this guy's about to be a problem for us, isn't he?"

She didn't answer, not at first, spinning her wand between her fingers as the man looked to cross the street towards the meadow. The man was tall and thin, with shoulder—length dark hair and a scraggly beard, looking as if he was sniffing the wind. Sniffing for... them?

"He... he looks familiar," Lili whispered, something cold blooming in the center of her chest, surrounding her heart 'til it threatened to freeze. "Harry? Do you think...?"

"Sirius Black!" Harry hissed her answer, tugging hard on her hand, dragging her towards the tree not far away.

Predictably, she stumbled over a stray root and her knees stung when she hit the ground. As Harry heaved her back to her feet, Lili quickly dug into the collar of her shirt and tugged out the snake pendant, finger swiftly spinning the obsidian in its center. Instantly, it grew hot in her palm. He was coming, he was coming.

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