chapter 14

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" see that would be funny but we are about a week away from summations for the hot smouldering nights men of the lafd calendrer and I am already at I am already at my gole Wight so it seams like my head is perfectly clear " buck bragged as Sam approached the group

" yes buck we know you are perfect " Sam said 

"hey" he said with a warm smile that made sams heart flutter all she wanted to do was lean up and kiss him they had decided not to tell the team about their resent date just until they were sure this was the right move.

"do you really need the whole tittle?" hen questioned "you could just say the idiotic reductive sexist calendar that insults the dignity of this organization" 

"yeah that not any less words" while the group continue to argue Sam leaves them arguing she didn't care about some stupide calendar instead she went to the locker room to see Eddie

"hey how you felling about your first day?" 

" nervous" 

" it will be fine everyone will love you I will introduce"  

"hey" hen said as she approached the pair 

" so everyone this is Eddie , Eddie this is hen chim buck and you already now cap" 

" nice to meet you all" Eddie said as he reached out his hand for every one to shake witch everyone did till it reached buck who just ignored the gesture this caused Sam to send him a confused look 

"ok so how do you to know each other?" chim asked as to help distract from then tension 

" oh we served together" Eddie explained as Sam continued to stare at buck as she tried to figure out what his problem was when just then the bell went . 

The team continued to question Eddie as they were on their way to the accident

"so silver star?"  chim asked 


"what you do save a platoon or something" 

" no nothing like that just a convoy" 

"wait really" buck asked finally making eye contact with Eddie

"well i didn't do it alone Sam was there" 

" hold on how have you never told us! chim asked turning to Sam 

" i don't know just don't really talk about that time" Sam said sending Eddie a look of why.

"Eddie you heard about the hot fire fighter canlander" hen mentioned as I turned to look at buck I was confused ever since Eddie showed up he has been acting so weird was he jealous no surly not oi mean he knows that Eddie is like my brother. 

" I am sorry what?" Eddie replied snapping me out of my trance 

"it is for charity" I responded as everyone but buck let out a laugh instead he seamed more annoyed about the situation then anything. 

"so is your full name Eduardo?"

"no" eddied laughed

"people ever call you Diaz?"

"not if they want me to answer"  

"something has got to stick we go cap, hen ,chimney , Sam , buck we cant just call you Eddie" 

" cant tell if he is being serious or not" at this point I dint know something was defiantly wrong 

when we arrived a man had felled on to an air nosile and by the time we had arrived was completely blowen up.

"Hector can you hear me ?" cap said bending down 

everyone grabbed a side and presided to move him onto his side . 

"it a hundred pounds per square" inch of air" buck informed us 

"he's breathing is shallow" hen added

"air has filled his whole body" 

"okay Eddie start a nasial canula and chim get his some morphine " 

"on it " they responded

"its like trying to inject stone" 

"air is pushing everything out "I added as we tried to figure out what to do

bobby came up with the idea to manually decompress him buck tried but was unsuccessful so eddied had to steep in . something about this made buck seam even more annoyed if it had been anyone else I don't think he would have carried but something about Eddie just made it worse.  

so far eddies next sift seamed like it was going better then his first that was till i walked into the gym to see buck and Eddie trying to one up each other .

"hey Evan wait"i said as i ran after him "what is up with you?" 

"what do you mean?"

"ever sice eddie got hear you have been competative and frankly kinda anoying so spit it out do you not like him or somthing" 

" no it not that"

"then what is it "

"he's to confutable when I started it took moths before you al, stopped seeing me as the rookie the newbie but he has been here 2 days and what knows anything about the job about you"


"I thought you told me everything but for all you have told  me it seams like he knows it better " 

"that cuss he lived through it trust me when I say that is all it is he is my brother but I choice you I love you" 

" you love me ?" 

" and that is my que to leave" I said turning around 

" no you said you love me " he said as he grabs my had truing me around " I love  to" he says before gently leaning down to kiss me I waned to live in this moment but for course the bell had to go we were called to a guy who had shot a live grandee into his leg something happened in that ambulance buck and Eddie managed to sort out any issues they had they were working like a team.

"well I just got off the phone to the competition people " 

"well hears to whoever wins" buck said as he phist bumped Eddie

" well good because it wasn't you" 

" well done GI " 

"it wasn't him either "  bobby said as he looked over to chim 

"no way" everyone began to call him and call him mister April till athenea walked in 

" hope I am not interrupting " she said as she walked over to bobby " hey I am sorry " she said before kissing him 

"what you all looking at" bobby said as he turned to face us 

"pay up " hen said as we all reluctantly payed he 

"wait you knew " 

"first you were happy at the same time then pissed off at the same time the only things i am upset about is that I didn't think of it " 

"yeeha you guys look happy congratulation " I said with a wall smile 

"hey if it make you feal any better I still think you are pretty hot " I said to buck before going to join the others I could feal him grinning behind me . 

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