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June 5th, 2015

"One wrong move and it's over. Are we ready?" Skylar asked.

"Born ready." Xander said with a smug look.

They all masked up and Skylar, Xander, and Xavier hopped out of the truck. I stayed in the truck because I am the getaway driver. Not a single pedestrian in sight as it was a very desolate road. They all ran into the convenience store with pistols. Despite me being outside in the truck waiting, I could still see everything that was happening in the store cause it had two giant windows out front. It wasn't a big store, there were only a couple shelves and maybe four refrigerators.

"Everyone freeze, now!" Skylar yelled as she walked up to the cashier behind the counter who looked like he had saw a ghost. Skylar was a badass. Everyone was scared of her without a doubt, we will never tell her that though. She was our weapon master. She knew every single thing about a gun that there is to know. She knew where to get them, how to get them, she taught all of us how to hold them properly. We only ever used pistols though.

There were only two women in the store that were customers but the way they gasped, it sounded like a crowd of people were in the store. The two customers started to panic but Xander took care of that.

"She said freeze! Sit still and no one has to get hurt!" Xander yelled. "You two, come over here and sit, so I can see you."

He gestured with his gun for the two women to come over to the corner and they listened and did what they were told without hesitation. Xander was the aggressive one out of all of us. Like we're all hyped up and the blood is pumping but he takes it to a whole different level. That's crazy that I say that because us doing what we're doing is already on a whole different level. Xander had anger issues. Every small inconvenience would just about almost send him over the edge, if not fully send him over. He wasn't someone to mess with, but once you get to know him on the level that we know him, he's really just a big teddy bear that's misunderstood.

"How's that footage going Xav?" Skylar asked, not looking away from the guy behind the counter emptying the cash register.

"One sec... and done!" Footage is gone and cameras are down just long enough for us to get out of here and make a clean escape." Xavier confirmed, holstering his tablet.

It's kinda crazy how Xander has anger issues but Xavier doesn't. They're twins but polar opposites of each other.

Xavier was the tech savvy guy in the group. I don't know how he does it and I will probably never know cause I don't have the patience for things like that, but he gets it done and he does it great. Xavier had a tablet and he somehow to control everything from that. A hacker if you will. Whatever building we were in robbing, or whatever person we were robbing, any tech near buy with some radius, will be messed up for a certain amount of time. He definitely told us the radius but I just don't remember. I always asked him what happens when police find us through the tablet but apparently he has it tapped in a way where it can't be tracked by anyone except him. I don't know, I'm just trying to remember off the top of my head because he used a lot of tech language that I didn't understand, but if he was talking about cars and driving, I would understand fully. If you were to ever go into his bedroom, you would've thought you walked into Radio Shack or some hacker lair... actually, that's exactly what it is. A hackers lair.

A loud pop went off inside the store.

"My bad I was trying to grab my gun." Xavier said while grabbing his gun out of the holster.

Skylar grabbed the bag of money from the cashier.

She got closer to the guy and started saying something quietly. I couldn't hear what she had said, but I heard everything else cause they were actually very loud in there. The cashier laid on the ground and three robbers ran out to the truck. As they were running out, a state trooper was driving past and saw three masked individuals running out of the store with guns. He immediately turned around and got into position to try and stop everyone, but he didn't get out of his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2024 ⏰

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