42. Unfortunate events

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King and queen of Maheleshwar along with their son and bahuranisa reached kaleshwar where they received a warm welcome. They took rest for the evening and joined with the family of Singalwar for the dinner. 

Karan hugged Rivaan "How are you feeling, just a day more "

Rivaan nodded with smile " feeling great, I have been looking for this day for long time and it's nearly here.. The girl I love the most, will be mine soon"

Karan " true, that's a most beautiful feeling in this world " he said looking at teju who was laughing at something his mother said " It's a amazing feeling to be in the warmth of the person you love the most.  It's like, you want to be with that person all day and night, but still won't be enough.  You would feel like having them caged within you, so that you can protect them "

Rivaan saw his eyes which were looking at his sister and he was more happy that she got someone who love her like this. 

Rivaan " My sister is lucky "

Karan nodded no " I m lucky, she turned a stone into a beautiful sculpt, if its not her, I doubt I could have ever experienced this feeling of love "

Rivaan "You both were destined for each other and your union is for a reason. Rajaguru always says, your star matches with hers in all way and it's very unique, only one couple have that kind of connection before and it's maa paaravthi and shivji "

Karan smiled and they walked to others and had their dinner discussing about the wedding preparations.  All the sargi from the groom side is sent to sakhi who were happy with everything that's happening. 


Abhiraj was in his room, looking outside at the wide sky filled with stars and shining bright, it was very calm and that didn't give any comfort to him like always. 

He sat on the bed and watched the moon which was glowing, his mind immediately went to nitya, they havent talked after that day, he tried to talk to her the next day but she avoided him saying something.. 

It went like this for a week and then they came here for the wedding. Before he left, he had wrote a letter for her and hoping to find the answer soon. 

He closed his eyes to get some sleep but the same image came in front of him which was haunting him from days and he woke up in the middle of sleep. 

Abhi pov " what is this, why does this image come in my dream, who is this girl and why I m marrying someone in the middle of graveyard and whats happening.. Maasa, please help me.. What is all this "

He tried to breath as it was suffocating for him , but suddenly he felt the warmth and he sighed, he felt his mother's presence around him and he layed down silently. 

Abhi, my betu, not everything will happen as our wish and whatever happening, trust it and never question the decision of God. Try not to be rude to anyone and always remember, Not everyone is as good as you and never mistrust the poison as honey my kid.

He woke up again and looked around , it felt like his mother was around and she was advising him something, she was trying to convey him something which he couldnt understand and he sighed. 

Abhi looked at sky " If u r saying so, I will go with the flow and hope everything goes well ma.. Please stay with your betu "


The next morning,

Haldi day ,

Rivaan was fully covered with haldi and he was running behind teju who did this to him, everyone chuckled at the grown up kids.

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