America x Axis Reader

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(c/n) sat watching her allies, Italy, Germany, and Japan, fighting over who to attack.

'They truly are idiots...' She thought.

"Screw this, I'm going home. Bye guys."

"Ve~ Bye-a, (c/n)!" Italy smiled while waving.
(Woo accents )

Time Skip you're at your house

(c/n) put her bag down, and took off her army jacket, showing a black army jacket, with USA's flag on it.

For some reason, ever since World War One, she liked him. (c/n)'s never been able to rap your mind around it. She was calm and graceful while he was just, well... his own thing.

The girl sat down on your couch, until


The semi relaxed girl heard something fall and shatter in the kitchen. She grabbed her hand gun, and ran in the room, only to see America.

(Country name) blushed and tried to cover your shirt.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" (Country name) shouted over her shoulder, trying to sound intimidating. He laughed.


The girl flinched at the sudden shouting.

"So you came all the way to (Continent)?" she asked.

He nodded vastly. (C/n) rolled her eyes, pretending to not care.


"Yo, I like your shirt, dudette!" He laughed once again.

'Oh come on!' She yelled at herself in her head.

"So, where is your information about the concentration camps?" He asked.

"Concentration... camps. What are those? My boss didn't tell me..." (c/n) asked, worried.

"... Oh."

~Around 20 minutes later~

(C/n) angrily called Germany and her boss, yelling at them.

"I don't care, (B/n)! This is evil, I'm joining the allies, like it or not!"

(C/n) slammed the phone.

America gave her a giant hug.

"Im so happy that you're joining the heroes side, because now I can finally do this!"

"Huh-" (C/N) was cut off by America kissing her.

She was shocked, but then melted in with the kiss.

"I love you!" He happily said as cheery as ever.

"I love you, too!" The girl said, just as happy.

America jumped up, "Really? Great! We have a meeting tomorrow, so I'll see you there, (c/n)!" He smiled.

"You can call me (f/n)." She smiled.

America smiled, than remembered something.

"(F/n), can I make a phone call real quick?" He asked. The girl nodded, pointing towards her phone.

America dialed the number.

"Hello, Britain? I told you she would say yes! Uh? About joining us or being my girlfriend? Both dude!" He yelled in joy. (C/n) began to cry in joy. She just became the happiest country- No! She had just become the happiest girl in the entire world.

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