pt 5 :- Finally!

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Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and chills run through my spines. I somehow gathered some courage and looked back just to get a peaceful and relief sight. It was Lara. Thank god otherwise I was about to die with that pressure.


After dropping her off infront of the building and wishing her best of luck I went to find a flat for myself. I was no new to this place but after moving to abroad because of my father's transfer we sold our old house and I lost contact with everyone.

My father always want me to took over his position and become the next CEO of our company that's in abroad right now but I don't want it. I want to be a independent woman and self rose person. And that's why I left from my house without even informing anyone.

I finally liked a flat that wasn't that much costly and is really have quite enough space. It's a 1BHK flat that wasn't that far from yn's house. I feel sad for not taking yn with me but still it's ok also I know she will definitely love this place.I know her very well and I really missed her alot in these years.

She has been a lover girl since our college days and most importantly she was the hearthrob.

Every boy wanted to be her boyfriend but the one she gave her heart to is that cry baby who is now the one she was going to marry.

I really am shocked but happy too that she was going to marry her first love. But if she still love him this much that she agreed to marry him then why she broke up with him during our college days. As much as I know yn, she really can't broke up with him without any serious reason.

I was really disappointed of jungkook back then but I really wasn't able to settle things down cuz after their break up I suddenly got a call from my father and I had to move out of the country out of sudden because of my father's transfer.

I messaged her on Instagram as soon as I got time but she didn't replied. That time I thought it must be because she was angry on me that I left without informing her and bidding a bye otherwise she was sad and depressed after their break up so I didn't mind it that much.

And after 1 year finally she messaged me and told me that she is very happy and she finally met her soulmate.

I thought that it was jungkook but it's not. It was a boy named KIM TAEHYUNG..I really didn't know him, never I heard his name before from anyone but that time I thought if he is a good guy then what's the problem and I supported her but after sometimes I and yn had a fight on a silly matter and we stopped messaging each other again but we really bid sorry to each other 2 days ago and now I am here.

But it's ok everyone have their own story “ it's that part of someone's life that can be colourful or colour less but at the same time the mark it left on their life can never be unseen.”

As I didn't shifted till now so I have to live  in hers till I properly settle down. I hope she doesn't mind it. Although she is my bestfriend even if she mind it I don't give a fuck😎. What is hers is what is mine and what is mine is already mine.( evil laugh pro)

I was on my way to her house but then I suddenly saw her in a coffee shop sipping coffee while being lost in her mobile screen. I parked my car in the parking zone and went to her. She was so lost in her thoughts that even I called her 2-3 times but still her eyes were stuck on the phone screen.

I tapped her shoulder just to get a shocked expression by her.

End of Lara's pov

Hi! - Lara

Hii - yn

So, what happened in the interview? are you in ? - Lara

I don't know, everything was well but they asked me to wait and they'll let me know after sometime - yn

What? After sometime? What does that mean? Are they blind or deaf that they can't see how much you are qualified and suit for this job - Lara

Hey please, it's ok although it's the matter of country they can't just let any stranger in just because of their excellent performance in a fucking interview. You know nowadays nobody is honest you can't just believe anyone whom you meet just a few hours ago. Even the one we know for many years. - yn

She said the last line with a sad expression plastered on her face.

Heyyyy.. it's ok hm - Lara

By the way, I was saying that i went to some brokers to see a flat - Lara

What? Seriously ? - yn

Yes! And finally I got the one of my choice. It's 1BHK. And have quite enough safe. Most importantly it's not that costly. - Lara

Wow.. I also wanted to come why didn't you took me huh ? - yn

Awee.. my baby.. I thought you are somewhere busy with your hubby that's why.. - Lara

SHUT up! Now show me the pics. I want to see. - yn

Why pics huh? Let's go then you yourself examine if it's ok or not. - Lara

Ok let's go!! - yn

She threw the paper glass in the dustbin and then took her stuffs from the table and headed towards her car. She was about to open the gate of the car but then she suddenly a notification popped on her phone. She checked it and it was from Jungkook.


      Hi baby👋

     Now what you want —_—

  Nothing much just missing my baby:⁠-⁠)



  Awee... my little hearteu.. that was really harsh baby... By the way



?? SERIOUSLY?? THANK GOD! I didn't expect that after they told me to wait for their dissison.

I am really happy!!!

By the way I don't want to say that but still thank you Jungkook.

   Why? I already knew that my soon to be wifey will definitely make her way in. And even if they had rejected you then it would be their loss.
  By the way where are you ?

Um.. I am going somewhere with Lara. I will tell you about it when I am home ok ?


  OK. By the way, I am also a little busy now but be sure to be at my place till 8:00pm. Ok? don't be late...


Huh? Why? but Ok. See you.


(Thank you so much guys for 1.1k views and more than 150 followers in just few days. ❤️)

To be continued ~

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