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What the fuck does she think? What are we? Some spies.
She is walking as if we are here on some mission and if get caught we will be shot to death.

The distance between her dorm and common room must be around 500 meters.
It should take around 10 to 12 minutes to cover that distance if walked like a normal civil human being.

But here we have been walking like a tortoise for 15min and still haven't even covered 1/4 of distance. We are still in girls dorm wing. And I think if we kept on walking in this speed we will reach common room until morning.

She turned back and looked at me. I am walking behind her which she suggested, as if she could shield me. I scoffed at that thought. She is not even waking straight.

She is bending her knees while walking which makes her look more tiny. Looking back she glared at me, expecting me to do the same. I roll my eyes and push her lightly to make her walk faster. She again glared and started walking more like crawling.

"-eah I did . Kim mingyu is too hot to handle" we heard some distant sound. Kiara looked at me, wide eyed putting her palm over her mouth. Seeing her reaction even I felt a bit scared.

As we heard the footsteps reaching closer. She took a hold of my hand and pulled me into a corner near window that's darker then rest of the area.

My back hits the wall harshly. A hiss was about to leave my mouth when she patted her palm over it, softly. Still with her palm over my mouth she turned a bit to check on the the girls who were coming our way.

The distant voices increased. We can hear footstep. Kiara pushed me more in the corner. Our bodies practically glued. The pain from hit in my back was long forgotten as I felt her hand slowly rubbing my back over t-shirt where I just got hit. My heart started beating fastly again. For the first time in my life I couldn't seem to look away from her face.

Few strands of her hair are falling on her face which I want to tuck them behind her ear. I felt itchy in my hand to do so but I restrain myself from touching her. I plant my hands behind the wall to stop myself.
This same happened when we were in her dorm too.

When we were in her dorm when I saw our picture from kindergarten I felt nostalgia hitting me. In that image too she was all smiling widely and was surrounded by people where as I was standing as if I am on gun point. I don't even remember that photo existed until I saw it there. I wasn't able to refrain myself from having a close look at it.

But what I didn't realized was my proximity with her. I was unknowingly pinning her to the table. At that time when I looked into her eyes even under that dark room they were twinkling like stars.

The glow on her face under natural moon light looked serenic. All I wanted to do at that time was to pull her closure to me. I don't know under what spell I was in. But whatever it was. It felt beautiful and addictive.

What the fuck I am even thinking? This is what happens if you stay away from woman all your life. Shaking my thoughts away I gazed straight not wanting to be hypnotized again.

Once she heard that they have left she stepped back. And looked at me.
"Lets go" she said
"Why are we hiding? As for the warden you said she sleeps at this time so why are we hiding from others. I am sure they must have sneaked people in before" I asked remembering how most of the boys talks how they sneaks in.
"They sneak their boyfriends in. Are you mine?" She said in duh tone.

"Look I can't risk to get caught with your popular ass. So, do as I say" she added,
I scoffed at her
"Look who is speaking, the one who is friends with almost everyone" I said scoffing
"So you don't know you are popular in college" she asked in disbelief
I know that I am a little infamous among ladies for my looks but popular nah. I am too quiet for their preference

"Dude you and your friends have a freaking fan club on insta and you don't know. I might have more friends then you but you are drooled by many women in our college. Unfortunately " she said the last word under her breath. But due to silence I was able to hear it too.

Unknowingly I had a smile on my face
"Do you also drool?" I don't know why I  asked.
She stared at me face and then pats my cheek.

She stood on her tip toe, leaned closure to my face and pulled up the hood of the jacket she gave me, which I don't know why fits me well.
"Maybe, maybe not" she said
She pulled up her hood too and starts walking. When she realized I was still on place. She took my hand in her's and started walking oops sorry crawling.


It took us half an hour to reach common area. There were other people sitting too but they were too engrossed in there own shit to know our presence. A girl who saw, she looked at Kiara with a teasing glint in her eyes and smirked. Kiara smirked back and showed her middle finger. That girl sticked her tongue out and got back to whatever she was doing.

I was about to walk back to my dorm.
"I am making maggie. Do you wanna join?" I heard her voice from behind
Now who says no to Maggie and I was a bit hungry too so I agreed. She cooked maggie for both of us. Which was spicy as hell but tasty too. We ate without exchanging even a word where as people around us were all chattering.

After finishing maggie I got up and washed both our dishes. I mumbled an inaudible good night to her and walked away. I was on the threshold when I heard some guy say.
"Are you two a couple?"
"Nah he is an old classmate" she replied
"Classmate huh" he teased
"You two look cute together" a girl said squealing

Shaking my head at their delusion to even call us a couple. I walked away from there.

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