mask of lies

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Witth all out of breath I finally sat down on the floor by the door, I sighed as my eyes were watery. I was frustrated and confused, why the hell was i locked in this room? Was it by accident?

"Hello?..." i yelled at the door as my hands were starting to shake against the floor, my voice was unsteady, my throat becoming dry.

Before i could start crying from losing hope. I heard the door knob moving.

My eyes lit up; still being water as I stood up quickly, my breaths heavy.
My eyes fixated onto the door knob as it opens.

"Oh my God..."- *i said in a low voice as my hopes gets high but indeed in answers. "I have been waiting in here for"- the door swung open after being unlocked.

Hitting against the wall causing me stop my sentence and shake. Looking at a tall figure with a gold mask on with white outline on the details on the face features, sending a uneasy feeling through my body.

Slightly backing up, my eyebrows narrowed as the guy walked towards me

The weird feeling in the back of my head telling me to run. I backed away, my eyes filled with fear but needing in answer.

"Who are you? Why I'm locked inside here for?" i asked in attempt show my needs in whys.

The guy shook his head, the calming movements seemed to be so unreal, like a movie. My eyes scanning his mask and his tall figure, wearing all black.

His continued to walk towards me, the sensation of being uncomfortable was clearly visible as i ran around the couch that was behind me, the guy still following

I couldn't see his face which made the fear in my body grow. "What are you doing." i asked lowly, my glaze following his walk. Still not saying anything but just walking towards me

The unknowing what he could do, and what he planned on doing was kicking my self defense senses. I ran towards a table that was in the middle between the two other couches, grabbing a glass cup

"Are you going to answer me?" I asked. Still no words to reply making me feel like i had no control of the conversation, even though he wasn't even using any words

"Fuck!" I yelled in frustration. I have been stuck in a room for hours and the only person to open the door is man who doesn't say shit!

My eyes burning in anger and sadness. "Are you going answer me?" I asked a little more low

Holding up the glass cup high while thhe guy walked around the couch; more towards me. I shook my head trying to ignore my thoughts, but the frustration and needs of answers was overwhelming my motions.

I rose it up high, holding a firm grip of the cup before forcing my arm down. The grass shattering against the table that was under it. The loud sounds of shatter filled my ears as my body fling a bit; the glass pieces around the floor and the table.

A gasp escaped my lips as I realized what i did. My hand still holding the glass, well one small glass piece with a slight sharp side at the end.
I looked up.

The guy now in front of me, and i didn't even realize how close he was, my eyes widened in fear. His high difference was very visible. Before i could run or say anything a huge pain strikes my head, a loud groan coming from my mouth as every thing went black.

~ Three days later

Aching pain started to throb through my back. I couldn't think of anything, I couldn't even see anything. it was like i was in a small black box filled with my echoing voice. My back was hurting like hell, well at least i thought it was my back.

I tried to move my finger but nothing, it felt like I didn't even have fingers. What the fuck is happening.
I was moving my eyes but i couldn't see anything, the throbbing pain worn off after a few seconds later.

"Maraaa," I heard someone say. I want to gasp or say something back but nothing was done, my head started to hurt, no...spin, spin in pain
"Mara, can you hear me?" With the more talking the women did my head throbbed harder with a annoying sharp stinging pain hitting me each time I tried to push my limits harder by, trying to open my eyes, screaming, talking, get up.

Every thing felt so fake, it felt like a dream a dream that didn't allow you to do anything. While a fucking painful dream

"Mara calm down sweetheart, your heart rate is going up...really fast." The girl said in a shocking but sincere tone. The voice was far from recognition, her voice sounded like a angel from my state.

"Stop talking to her like she is a little girl, Amelia. You know i hate that shit." A man said. He sounded familiar but I couldn't even put any thought into it before my head started to ache again.

"Do you want her to be in a panic when she wakes up! Hm?" The girl said back, and now her 'angel' voice was beginning to sound like a angry regular woman and the sensation of being numb was beginning to fade.

"Say that again, say that in the same tone...exact words." The guy snapped back.

My eyes fumbled around in the black place before opening them, yes! I opened them, but not my mouth my mouth felt glued shut. My eyes lazily tried to open more but i couldn't.

"I want her to be awake, I don't give a shit what mood she is in. And if you keep acting like she is a newborn baby you might as well be the slutty mother." I heard the guy say, he sounds oddly familiar

"Sh-she's up, Tom."

~chapter 6~

Why trap in a room full of death when the dead stands beneath the door?

Tell me what you think is going happen right here➡️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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