12 - london

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i woke up with a headache, i can't even remember how much i drank last night. i turned over and laid on jude's bare chest, he chuckled at me and put his phone down, "how are you feeling darling?" he asked me, "ha ha" i replied sarcastically, "i feel like shit, how comes you're so chirpy?" i asked him, "I didn't drink did i" he told me, "why?" i questioned, "wanted to make sure you got home safe innit" he said and my heart melted. "i do have to tell you something though, and i don't know how you're gonna feel about it" he said. "what?" i asked him, "check your phone" he replied.

i opened my phone and saw thousands of instagram notifications. a bitch from high school had snuck in and filmed me singing vienna then posted it on instagram. i sat up and looked through the thousands of comments andall the news articles that had already been written about it, "is billie pankow secretly the next beyonce?" was one of them. i felt like crying. even though the response was overall positive, i still felt violated and embarrased. it was a drunk performance to my friends, not to the whole fucking world. i couldn't believe it.

i felt the tears welling up in my eyes, i tried to stop it because i felt so stupid but i couldn't i was embarrased. jude pulled me into a hug. "its okay bil, everyone loves you, they think you're amazing. i think you're amazing" he said which made me feel slightly better, i checked my DM's and saw one from columbia records. my face dropped, "jude..JUDE" i shouted, "what?" he asked concerned. "i have a DM from COLUMBIA RECORDS!" i nearly started crying, "thats amazing baby, i'm so happy for you!" he said

hi billie! we saw the video of you singing and although it's probably not exactly the way you wanted the world
to find about your talent, we were very impressed. we would love for you to come in for a meeting tomorrow at
10am. please let us know as soon as you get a chance. thank you in advance, tori at columbia records.

the next day, it was 9:50 and i was stood outside the columbia records HQ, i was shaking. i made my way inside and sat in the waiting room. 5 minutes later, i was called. i walked into the office and saw a woman mid 20's with bleach blonde hair st at a desk, typing something on her computer. "hi! i'm so sorry, i'm tori, one of the signing directors hre at columbia records." she said, "hiya, i'm billie!" i replied, "oh, i know. we all think you have a wonderful voice, as does everyone on the internet." she said, smiling. "well, thank you!" i replied, blushing profusely.

"we actually would like to sign you. we'd start you off with an 8 song EP, then see where things go. what do you think?" she said and i was shocked. "really?" i asked, "well, if you'll accept! because of your platform on the internet already, we know it would do well so why not!" she told me. "of course, i'll accept! the only issue is i'm currently situated in england." i said. "that's no problem. i would be your agent and we'll get you set up in london with your own songwriter and we can do everything over zoom, etc." she said. we spoke for a bit longer before i signed a contract and offically became signed by columbia records!

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i know it's a short chapter, but please let me introduce you to 'london' by billie pankow!

i know it's a short chapter, but please let me introduce you to 'london' by billie pankow!

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