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         "She was a rainbow. But they were colour blind 🦋🦋."



   The words were clear echoing in my head as I walked through the fields of Middle land high, I quickened my pace but only a little, I didn't run, I couldn't. Running would attract too much attention and it would be foolish.

    I trudged through the school's parking lot, my twelve pound bag perching easily on one plump shoulder, and I kept my head down, trying to shield myself from the mocking glances of my classmates.

    The morning sun was hanging high in the sky, casting shadows across the asphalt, as I made my way to my old beaten-up bicycle. It was a gift from my mom, before she lost her mind two years ago. She always encouraged me to pursue my passion for art, even when dad and everyone else thought it was a waste of time. She was the only one who understood me, who saw me for who I really was, not just a fat girl with glasses and braces.

    I unlocked my bike, my hands trembling slightly as I noticed a familiar black car parked nearby. It belonged to Mario, the school's basketball captain. His car was a symbol of his arrogance, always strategically packed where everyone could see it. He was also the leader of the popular clique, the ones who made my life hell every day. They called me names, threw food at me, tripped me in the hallways, and spread nasty rumours about me. Mario was the worst of them all. He had a personal vendetta against me, probably since I always came first in the art competitions . He thought he could humiliate me, but I saw through his cruel prank.

   With a sigh, I swung my leg over my bike and pushed off, heading towards my next class. Lost in my thoughts I peddled absentmindedly as my vision blurred with many unpleasant thoughts and scenarios. As I rounded off a corner a sudden gust of wind caught me by surprise, causing me to loose my balance. My bike swerved uncontrollably and before I know it, I crashed into the side of a parked car with a sickening thud.

Panic surged through me as I scrambled to my feet, my eyes widening in horror as I realized the extent of what I've just done. I had collided with Mario's car, leaving a noticeable dent in the otherwise pristine exterior. A lump formed in my throat as I glanced around, half-expecting him to materialize out of nowhere.

Just as I feared, a loud voice filled the air, cutting through the silence that followed the collision. 'What the hell do you think you're doing?' Mario thundered, his voice filled with rage.

My heart raced as I turned to face him, my cheeks burning with shame. 'I-I'm so sorry,' I stuttered, my voice was barely above a whisper. 'I didn't mean to...'

  'You didn't mean to?' Mario let out a bitter and scornful laugh. He stepped forward, his eyes narrowed as he took in the dent on his car. 'Do you have any idea how much this car costs? You're going to pay for this, you pathetic loser.' He growled.

  He grabbed my bike and threw it to the ground, breaking the chain and bending the wheels. 'That's for starters,' he said, his face twisted with malice. 'You owe me ten thousand dollars, and you better have it by the end of the week, or else...'

  He left the threat hanging in the air, as he got into his car and drove away, leaving me in a state of shock and fear. I felt tears sting my eyes as I looked at my ruined bike. Was this it?


Dad was going to freak out I was sure of that. But what he said caught me completely unawares.

'Good for you Gamma.' He coughed out 'I have to pay your outrageous fees, your sister's hospital bills. I can't possibly take up a car too, and insurance won't cover it.'

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