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  "Lift up your head princess. If not the crown falls. 🦋🦋"


  'Gamma!!!' Bonnie screamed, then flung her legs down the bed, jumping into my arms. 'I didn't think you were going to come'.

'Well I'm here now... Soo??' I grinned, ruffling her well combed curls softly.

'Dadda said you were having little problems'
She blinked up at me. 'Anything you wanna share?'

I sighed. 'Its nothing you can help Bon'.

'Tell me anyway'

'well' I sighed again. 'Your big sissy's messed up hun. She's managed to get herself into trouble again.' I gave my huge shoulders a little lift.

  She shrugged her equally large shoulders.
'well I obviously don't understand, But y'know what mama always told me, to take it all to him in prayers.'


'Him. God.'

I sighed, then smiled at her.
'Have you been doing that?'

'Hmm-hmm' She nodded. 'She also told me that every quiet time I got was an avenue to spend time with God, and it's been awesome, just being with him, boring him with your problems. But you know the best part, he never complains.'

I grinned. Just then the doctor walked in, holding some files in her hands.

'Gamma?' She raised a brow. 'Its been ages, how are you doing'.

I smiled softly. 'Fine doc, I've been doing just fine'

'Its good you're here. Can you step outside for a moment, I wanna have a word with you.'

'Sure' I placed a hand over Bonnie's and smiled. 'Give me a sec.' And with that I slipped out quietly.

'Lemme go straight to the point.' Doctor Sarah said. 'I was gonna wait for your dad, but since you're here there's no need. Bonnie's not getting better Gam. She might need a surgery and we can't guarantee a better state of health even with the surgery. She would get a little better, but it won't keep her for long.'

I stared at her. 'What do you mean? She looked really better today.'

'Its probably just the drugs she took, that little energy she has would wear out soon.' She shook her head sadly. 'I'm sorry Gamma.'

  'Is there nothing we can do?'

She shook her head. 'Its beyond us hon. I wish there was something we could do, Bonnie's not a stranger, but it's not something we can handle.'

I sighed. 'So what do you suggest?'

'well I would say you gave her lots of love love and......' She shrugged a sad smile spreading across her lips.


'And prepare to say goodbye, she may leave sooner than we thought.'



  'what did Doctor Sarah say' Bonnie asked as I stepped into the room.

I managed a smile. 'Nothing much, just the usual'

  'you don't haffta lie to me Gam, I heard everything' She wrapped her arms around her legs, her eyes staring at something unseen. 'Am scared Gam.' she sighed. 'I don't want to die, at least not before I get a boyfriend, I, I,,,,'

I pulled her into a hug, 'You're not dying, I promise you, you wouldn't, I'd do everything I can to keep you alive' I said, then taking her hands in mine I whispered. 'Should we pray?.'

She nodded.
Then closed her eyes and started to mutter something along the lines of, 'Dear lord, I need you please help me.....' But she didn't finished because halfway through she broke down in tears.


   The lights in the living room and kitchen were still on when I got home, Which only meant one thing. One of them was still awake. I headed to my room first to freshen up before heading to the kitchen.
   Mom was standing over the kitchen stove stirring something in a big pot.
'hey mom' I muttered, sitting in the counter.

  She turned her head swiftly to stare at me then looked away like no one had spoken.

   I shrugged it wasn't something new to me.
'Am not here for chitchat okay' I picked up an apple and bit into it. 'I had a talk with Bonnie's doctor and she said....'

  She gave me a hard glare, 'Who the fuck gave you the right to do that?' she fumed, 'You're not her guardian, I am'

  I laughed 'Really? Sorry I didn't notice.'  tossing the half eaten apple into the waste bin. 'Well since I was the only one there for her, I guess I was starting to assume certain things.'

'The only one there for her?' She banged the spoon she was holding on the table, her eyes blazing over, 'I gave birth to Bonnie I pay her bills, I provide everything she fucking  needs, haven't I played my part in this shit, haven't i.'

  I bit my lip hard, 'She needs much more than that mom, she need much more than that.'

'What more does she need that I haven't given her?, What more can a mother give a fucking child?' she fired,

'Love!' I fired back, 'Emotional support, mental support, Bonnie needs someone to talk to mummy, she's practically alone.'

'Well that's what we pay you for?' she said without emotion.

I scoffed, 'pay me for?'

'What?' she laughed, 'Why do you think we give you allowances even in times like this, you think you merit it, you do?'

'No I don't, I never thought I did. But that's a very harsh thing to say to your daughter isn't it?' she only laughed.

Slipping off the counter, I started walking out. But stopped halfway, looked over my shoulder and said.

'The doctor asked to prepare. We are going to say goodbye sooner than we expected'
She hurled the spoon she was holding at me screaming '..bitch..' but I didn't stop to look at her. In fact I didn't stop walking till I got to my room, I flung myself on the bed and broke down in loud sobs.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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