The death of All for one

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Everyone Around to citizens to heroes to villains and I'd watch Rage(Inko)Vs All for one

All for one:Shall we-

Rage quickly charged with immense speed and Gut punch All for one causing him to Go back a few feet that cause him to ground his stomach

All for one:Not bad...This should be fun this won't end as last time...You had to get we when I was-


All for one:Very well but I got to make this a fair fight

Afo then pulls out a spray can and Spray Inko's face causing Inko to Uncontrollably Cough

Inko:What did you do to me

All for one:Even the plain field

Now All for One has access to all of his quirks And immediately uses an air cannon which misses Inko but pushes her back some distance

Now All for One has access to all of his quirks And immediately uses an air cannon which misses Inko but pushes her back some distance

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Inko realized he was not angry she couldn't even feel any emotion it was like she was a robot

In Inko Mind

Inko(Thinks)That bitch

Rage Inko:Hey bitch how you let that happen...I have an idea

Inko(Thinks)What is it

Rage Inko:Remember Izuku game...Moral Kombat That one Character

Inko(Thinks)I don't fucking know I don't know his game like that I don't play games

Rage Inko:I know but they are a character Named noob...But the only thing you got to do is get close to That nigga and Touch his chest I'll do the rest okay

Inko(Thinks)You better be onto something

Out of Inko Mind

Inko then stood up and breathed Heavily Still emotionless

Inko(Thinks)Me being emotionless is perfect now I can Focus and I'm deadly when I'm focused

All for one:You seem to regret coming being Rage again and now...Now your children will grow up without a moth-

Inko rushes at All for One extremely focused and Summon a C4 And Glock and Starts to shoot at All for One One blocks the bullets with his hand, Then all for one going to Shoot another Air cannon but Inko grabs his hand and Breaks his hand, And Place the C4 on all for one Chest and She touch his Chest for a good Three second and then she jumps off All for one and She shoot the C4 for and Massive explosion, Inko then on her feet

Inko(Thinks)Alright Rage what now...Rage...where are you

Inko can't feel Rage anywhere in her body

All for one:Now please what was that supposed to do...That tickles and faces the Truth you are nothing but an old-washed version of yourself Where is that vigilant who gave The top hero of Japan and America A run for their money...I'm disappointed NOW STOP PLAYING AROUND AND-

All for one then fell put his knees and started to feel extremely Weak Like 95% of his body rejected him

All for one:What.What is this

Inko:Aw what was were speaking that good shit a second Ago what happen(Thinks)So that was your plan All along Rage...Good idea now

Inko walks over to All for One with an evil look on her face and then summons Brace Knuckles with spikes

Inko:You know All for one the last time we spoke I told you exactly What would happen if you spoke about my children and my family again...Now All for one Say it


Inko:What my name


Inko punches Afo in the face

Inko:What my name


Inko punches him again

Inko:Bitch what my name

Afo was coughing up blood

Inko:Don't cough we're just getting what's my name who owned you

Inko then Continued to Merciless Beat the shit out of All for one



Inko: That's not my name...What my name

Inko then continue to Beat the Shit all for one and Everyone watching On TV around Japan they were terrified and Shocked to Witnessed this

This beating doesn't stop until Afo begs her to stop

Afo:Please stop-



Inķo:Good And don't you forget it

As Inko was going to Deliver the final blow Afo started to choke and It seemed like something was coming out of his mouth A few seconds later a red Rage version of Inko came out of All for one

As Inko was going to Deliver the final blow Afo started to choke and It seemed like something was coming out of his mouth A few seconds later a red Rage version of Inko came out of All for one

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And Red Rage Inko then touched Inko and Bonded with Inko

Rage Inko:I told you I had it covered it took me a while to go through his quirk but it went well

Inko:Well it's been a while since I killed anyone but I guess this is a good way of starting...Killing all for one once and for all

Rage Inko:I see what you did there

Inko:Yeah but first I need to something

Then Inko went a few distances grabbed a shovel and started to dig a deep hole, As she digging everyone started to wonder where and how she got the shovel

After a few moments, she dug a nice whole and Put All the body inside the Hole She lit the Hole on fire with a match

Inko(Thinks)Got to make sure that their nobody

As Inko walks away she lights a cigarette knowing she has done kill all for one once and all

Inko(Thinks)Hmmm...Eri and Kota better be and bed

End chapter

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