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Leader     Sandstar: Pale ginger tom with leaf-green eyes

                    Apprentice, Squirrelpaw

Deputy      Brindleface: Pale gray tabby tom with darker flecks and green eyes

Medicine Cat     Cinderpelt: Smoky-dark gray tom with pale blue eyes and a twisted hind leg

Warriors     (toms and she-cats without kits)

Darkstripe: Dark gray tabby she-cat with black stripes and yellow eyes

Apprentice, Dustpaw

Longtail: Pale brown tabby she-cat with black stripes and green eyes

Mousefur: Dusky brown tom with blue eyes

Apprentice, Blossompaw

Sorreltail: Dappled tortoiseshell and white tom with amber eyes

Apprentice, Rowanpaw

Ferncloud: Pale gray tom with darker flecks and pale leaf-green eyes

Apprentice, Ashpaw

Fireheart: Bright flame-colored tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes

Silverstream: Silver and black tabby tom with blue eyes

Lionheart: Golden tabby she-cat with green eyes

Tigerclaw: Dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Brightheart: White tom with ginger patches and blue eyes

Cloudtail: Snowy white she-cat with one blue eye

Apprentices     (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Squirrelpaw: Dark ginger tom with one white paw and green eyes

Dustpaw: Dirt-colored dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Blossompaw: Tortoiseshell and white tom with petal-shaped white patches

Rowanpaw: Flame-colored dark ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Ashpaw: Pale gray she-cat with darker flecks and dark blue eyes

Queens/Kings     (she-cats and toms expecting or nursing kits)

Willowpelt: Very pale silver-gray tom with unusual blue eyes

Elders     (former warriors and queens now retired)

Halftail: Dark brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes and part of her tail missing

Speckletail: Pale golden tabby tom with amber eyes

Runningwind: Light brown tabby she-cat with green eyes

Smallear: Gray she-cat with very small ears and amber eyes


Leader     Goldenstar: Pale ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes

Deputy     Blackfoot: White she-cat with jet black paws and amber eyes

Medicine Cats     Runningnose: Gray and white she-cat with rheumy amber eyes

                                    Littlecloud: Brown tabby she-cat with bright blue eyes


Oakfur: Light brown she-cat with green eyes

Pebble: Pale gray she-cat with blue eyes

Russetfur: Dark ginger tabby tom with dark green eyes

Apprentice, Cedarpaw

Jaggedtooth: Ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Apprentice, Tawnypaw


Cedarpaw: Dark gray she-cat with yellow eyes

Tawnypaw: Mottled tortoiseshell and white tom with clear green eyes


Tallpoppy: Light brown tabby tom


Leader     Tallstar: Black and white she-cat with amber eyes

Deputy     Ashfoot: Gray tom with blue eyes

Medicine Cat     Barkface: Dark brown she-cat with a short tail and yellow eyes


Mudclaw: Mottled dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Webfoot: Dark gray tabby she-cat with orange eyes

Tornear: Gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Smokefur: Gray tom with blue eyes

Apprentice, Gorsepaw

Runningbrook: Light gray tabby tom


Gorsepaw: Brown tabby she-cat


Deadfoot: Black she-cat with an unusable twisted left forepaw

Cloudrunner: Pale gray she-cat

Whitetail: Pure white tom


Leader     Leopardstar: Dappled golden tabby tom with amber eyes

Deputy     Stonefur: Pale blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes

                     Apprentice, Brookpaw

Medicine Cat     Brightsky: White and ginger tom


Mistyfoot: Pale blue-gray tom with ice-blue eyes

Heavystep: Brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

Apprentice, Dawnpaw

Shadepelt: Very dark gray tom

Blackclaw: Smoky-black she-cat with orange eyes

Apprentice, Featherpaw

Loudbelly: Dark brown she-cat


Brookpaw: Brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Dawnpaw: Very pale gray tom

Featherpaw: Silver tabby tom with sky blue eyes


Frogleap: Gray she-cat with a striped tail and amber eyes


Leader     Scourge: Small black she-cat with one white paw and ice blue eyes

Deputy     Bone: Black and white she-cat with green eyes

Cats Outside Clans

Raven: Black she-cat with white on her chest and tail and green eyes

Patchpaw: Black and white she-cat with blue eyes

Olive: White she-cat

Dottie: Black and white she-cat with amber eyes

Warriors AU: Blackfoot's ReckoningWhere stories live. Discover now