A different side of Jessica Pearson

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A\N: This is the first story of a triple update today because it's my birthday tomorrow! 

This is a Mike/Jessica oneshot. There are not that many Mike/Jessica stories out there. In this one, Mike sees a different side of his boss boss' Jessica Pearson, a side he's not seen before. Enjoy, Angels.

The banging on his front door is doing nothing for the pounding in the front of his head. The pounding on his door started five minutes ago is what woke up after he passed out. He ignores the door, hoping that whoever is currently abusing the door will get the hint and leave him alone but he doubts it. He opens his eyes, squinting as the sun peeks in through the slits in the blinds he has covering the windows. The pounding on the door seemingly gets louder until he can't ignore it anymore and he gets to his feet, stumbling over beer bottles, dirty laundry, shoes, half empty Gatorade bottles and other objects he's left around the apartment for the past two weeks since his grandmother's death. He's starting to get really pissed off with Harvey, who knows he doesn't want to talk to anyone. Who else would be assaulting his door the way it is? "Jesus Christ, Harv-" he growls, breaking off when he's staring into the brown eyes of Jessica Pearson. Anger suddenly flows through him and he resists the urge to slam the door in her face. He groans when all the unanswered calls and texts from Donna, Rachel and Harvey float through his mind. 

"Harvey sent you, didn't he?" He asks her. Jessica doesn't say anything as she walks past him. "You look like hell." Is all she says as she turns around to look at him, her nose wrinkling. "Smell like it too." Mike looks down at what he's wearing: faded blue jeans, holed black socks, a dirty t-shirt underneath a zipped up grey hoodie. "What are you doing here?" He asks with a sigh as he lies back down on his couch.

"You haven't been at work," the Managing Partner says as she sits on the arm of his chair. "and have been getting high." Disapproval is in her voice, Mike rolls his eyes as he glares at her. How dare she assault his door, enter his home only to tell him things he already knows?

"With all due respect, Jessica, I'm grieving. I'm allowed to take time off to grieve." He snaps at her as he sits up.

"Look, Mike, I didn't know your grandmother, but I know that she wouldn't approve of," she  waves her hand around the apartment to emphasise her point. "This." Mike chuckles as he rolls his eyes again. "Well like you said, Jessica: you didn't know my grandmother so therefore you have no idea what or not she would approve of me doing." He doesn't care if his voice is harsh or that she knows his secret. Jessica sighs as she stands up, taking in his apartment.

"He told me you were good, that you were the best non-lawyer he's ever seen, that you're the best of both of us." She says almost to herself as she spots the baggie containing on his coffee table, she picks it up and looks at him, her brown eyes narrowing. "But right now, he's proving me wrong, very wrong." She says. She's clearly talking about Harvey. "He really said that?" Mike questions. There's no way Harvey would say that about him. Jessica nods, the baggie still in her fingers. "Mike, you're a smart kid, your brain is smart, you're getting a chance, a chance that I might mention that no one in the Law industry has ever gotten, and you're throwing it all away to get high." Mike opens his mouth but Jessica isn't done. "My problem isn't you taking time off to deal with your grandmother's death, because you are entitled to that, but it's with the way that you're choosing to handle it that has me pissed off. I thought you'd take a few days to process the loss, then work through it by working but you haven't. Instead you've spent days getting blazed out of your goddamn mind!" Her voice has risen, Mike just listens, afraid to interrupt his boss' boss. 

"You're going to get a shower, get changed into a suit, brush your teeth and be in front of my desk in an hour and a half." Jessica orders him. "Oh and Micheal, go near this stuff again, it won't be Harvey who will be dealing with you, it'll be me and god help you if I find out you're touching this." Jessica hisses at him as she picks up her purse. Mike glares at Jessica, his own eyes narrowing. "Wait, hold on: your desk? I work for Harvey and he won't allow you to steal me from him!" He shouts, Jessica chuckles and raises an eyebrow.

"One: you work for me AND Harvey. Two: working for me will be very different than when you work with Harvey. Three: Who do you think came to me about you?" His mouth hangs open: he knew Harvey sent her. "H...how will it be different?" He asks nervously, he hates change, especially when he doesn't know how much will change. "You'll find out when you report to me, you're mine for a month." She says simply before she leaves his apartment, the baggie of Marijuana still in her fingers. Mike groans as he flops back onto his couch before he hears Jessica's orders echo in his head. He leaps to his feet and goes into his bathroom, not hearing his phone buzzing on his cluttered coffee table.

Jessica waits outside Mike's apartment just long enough to hear the shower turn on through the too thin walls. She pulls out her phone and opens a new text message.

Mike Ross: For the love of god, tidy your apartment.

She thought Harvey was kidding when he said the kid was getting high, but he wasn't: he was worse than Harvey when his dad died.

Her phone rings in her hand and she immediately answers it, knowing who it is without looking at the caller ID.

Phone call:

Jessica: He's fine, Harvey, he's in the shower.

Harvey: How'd he take it?

Jessica: Just like you took it.

Harvey: How long you'd give him?

Jessica: An hour and a half to get changed and get his ass in front of my desk.

Harvey: What happened to the five minutes you gave me before you dragged me out of my place? Wait, your desk? He's MY puppy. I found him!

Jessica: Yes, but he needs to be disciplined, not to be cuddled and given scratches behind his ears for being a bad puppy. Trust me Harvey, a month with me and our puppy will be back to running around trying to catch his tail to impress you.

Harvey: Jessica!

Jessica: It's a month, Harvey, consider it rehab for the pup.

Harvey: He's not going to be a happy puppy when he finds out what your version of rehab entails.

Jessica: Neither were you and you turned out fine.

Harvey: I did, didn't I?

Jessica: I'll see you in the office in ten.

Phone call.

Hanging up with her right hand man, Jessica slips her phone into her purse and leaves the apartment building, mentally preparing for the upcoming month with one Micheal James Ross.

A\N: The first of three stories DONE! I have one to do tomorrow as a present for all my Angels. Enjoy. 

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