Met you at the right time.

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As we made our way to our hotel that me and my family are staying in, in upstate New York, I can't help but think about how Conor would have been sitting between me and my little brother right now. Conor was my boyfriend but a couple days before we were due to fly out to New York he decided that he wasn't interested in our relationship, he wasn't interested in me anymore. To say I've been heartbroken this holiday is an understatement. I barely left my uncle's house in New Jersey for the week and a half we were staying with him and his wife.

I am actually looking forward to seeing upstate New York and going to see Niagara Falls, getting lots of opportunities to capture many photos for my college assignment. I study photography in London but I am from Bray just outside of Dublin, Ireland.

As we make our way into the hotel my parents, my brother and I are staying in I tell them to go on to their room as I wanted to explore the grounds of the hotel before I went to my own room.

The sound of a guitar playing from upstairs made me stop in my tracks. It sounded amazing, as the curious person that I am I of course followed the stairs to where the guitar was getting louder. That's when I started to hear it, the most amazing voice I have ever heard. I kept on walking, the guitar and singing getting louder and louder every step I took. All of a sudden it went quiet and the door in front creaked wide open.

"Shit", the girl at the other side of the door mumbled to herself as she jumped in shock.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I said to her, finally getting my eyes to look up at the girl. As soon as I saw her face I never wanted to look away.

"You're ok, I'm a jumpy person" she said with a slight chuckle that I wish to be engraved in my mind.

"Your singing is really good, I've never heard that song before but it sounds amazing" I told her awkwardly standing in front of her with a distance between us.

"Thank you so much, it's uh, it's actually my own song" she mumbled to herself.

"Oh wow, I take it you are a singer then?" I ask in curiosity.

"I am actually, what about you?" she questioned me.

"I'm a photographer, well studying photography but yeah a photographer" I ramble on.

"You could come in handy when I next go on tour" she laughs leaning on the door frame.

"Shit, you're like a singer singer" I exclaimed without thinking. "Sorry that came out wrong, what I am trying to say is so you like a big deal"

"I don't think I am anything special really, my fans are really lovely though so yeah to them I am a big deal but to everyone else I am your average 22 year old" she says humbly.

We both stand there for a few seconds unsure of what to do, the seconds feel like hours until I bite the bullet.

"Would you mind if you played me one of your songs?" I question the girl with hopeful eyes.

"Oh uh sure yeah, come on in" she stepped back allowing me to enter the room which was lit with some fairy lights, this didn't look like just any old hotel room.

"I always stay here when I am recording music, so they ended up giving me my own room to decorate" she says, reading my thoughts. She sits down on the couch in the corner of the room and gestures for me to join her.

She picks up her guitar that was lying next to the couch and gets herself into a comfortable position.

"I'm actually a bit nervous," she whispers, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

"You have nothing to be nervous about, I am sure you sound amazing" I tell her. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I'm not normally this up front with someone, sorry."

"No need to apologise, I want to play for you even though you are a complete stranger" she slightly laughs before starting to strum the guitar.

*Gracie plays Rockland*

"That was fucking fantastic" I exclaim.

"It's nothing good really. I think I messed up a little" she says, fumbling with the strings of her hoodie.

"Honestly, that was the best thing I have ever heard. You are amazing", I say, touching her arm in excitement. "Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No, you're fine. It sounds like you have a bad habit of saying sorry. Also, is that an Irish accent I'm picking up" she curiously says.

"It certainly is. I'm from Bray, just outside Dublin really. My name is Amelia by the way."

"Well it is really lovely to meet you Amelia. I must say I didn't expect this today, but it's a pleasant surprise"

"Same for me, I wasn't expecting this at all. At least there has been one shining light on this hell of a trip" I say realising I may have said too much.

"You wanna chat about anything?" she questions.

"You know what, that actually might be really helpful." I say as she guides us over to a much cosier looking bed.

I explain my whole breakup to this girl, her name I still haven't caught yet. She comforts me when I become emotional. We both talk about our past relationships while lying down, our bodies facing each other. That's all I remember before falling asleep.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please don't forget to vote!

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