chapter six

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"Dude?! What the hell was that?" Kuroo asked when Akaashi had walked into the bunker.

"Kuroo-san, I really don't want to talk about it. You succeeded in the mission and that's all that matters."

"Well yeah, but that's not the point. The point is, you went too far. Kenma was able to track your coordinates from your bluetooth and he hacked the security camera on a building nearby. You were sloppy."

Akaashi glared at him before opening his locker.

"Dude, I'm sorry about what happened to you, but that's the sort of information we don't tell the heroes? That can be used against you and they can find out that you're Kotori. Then once they find out that you're Kotori, it won't take them long to find out we're Lynx and Dmitriy."

"What are you saying, Kuroo-san?" Akaashi asked, shoving his suit into his locker before stepping into his sweatpants.

"What Kuroo is trying to say... is maybe you should take a break from going out in the field for a little while. You're–"

"I can't take a break. Corruption never takes a day off and if I take a break, then nothing is going to get done! There are so many people out there that can't afford for me to take a break whether they want to admit it or not!"

"Take a deep breath, dude. There's no reason for you to be yelling at Kenma. It was my idea–"

Akaashi slammed his locker shut and sat on the bench.

"It was my idea and I think you would benefit from doing some remote work rather than going out in the field. You're two for two running into this guy and I don't know if it's just beginner's luck, but he seems to really get under your skin. I didn't like what I saw in that footage, Akaashi." Kuroo said, sitting on the bench a few feet away from him to give him some space.

"I'm sorry, Kenma. I know you don't like it when people raise their voices and I lost my temper. I really am sorry." He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a groan of frustration. Kenma hummed in acknowledgment before Akaashi continued.

"Did you guys... hear everything?"

Kuroo glanced at Kenma before nodding.

"Most of it... We had no idea that you had gone through all of that. We're sorry you had to go through that, but it sorta confirmed the fact that you need a break–"

"I'll take the break. I promise I will. I'm just really sorry that you guys had to find out that way."

Kenma cleared his throat, awkwardly getting the guys' attention.

"Did that have anything to do with your dream? You know... that night we found–"

"Y-yeah, I know what you're talking about. The dream was about him, yes."

Kuroo coughed in response, eyes wide.

"You're gay, Akaashi?!"

Kenma smacked the back of Kuroo's head as Akaashi laughed.

"I'm not sure what would've made you think otherwise, but yes. I am attracted to men."

"Forgive him, he thought you weren't into romance or relationships."

"Well, I'm not anymore. Not since my partner was killed. I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready for another relationship. I've just never really seen myself with anyone other than him." Akaashi smiled softly to himself, thinking about how they were about to look at apartments together.

"Well if you ever get lonely, I'm sure Kitten here wouldn't mind you join– OW! I'm kidding!" Kenma smacked the back of Kuroo's head again before gripping a fistful of unruly hair.

"Kuroo, do you think that's on his mind at all? He's telling us about his late-boyfriend and you want to–"

"I get it, I'm sorry! I was just trying to make a joke! Please let go of my hair, Kitten."

Akaashi snorted as Kenma released his hold on the chemist's head.

"I'll politely decline your offer, but I appreciate you for changing the tone of the conversation. I try not to dwell on it too much because I know it can be a downer for others and I really don't want any pity or anything. It's just not often that I get to talk about him with others."

"What was his name? Do you mind telling us?" Kuroo asked, massaging his head where Kenma had pulled his hair. Akaashi glanced nervously between them before Kenma opened his mouth to say something.

"We won't look him up. I understand that this is something personal to you and I promise you that I won't do anything to overstep those boundaries." Akaashi nodded and pursed his lips before speaking.

"His name was Bokuto Koutarou."


Author's Note: Short chapter, I know, BUT Kuroo and Kenma know his name now! :D

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