Corruption to anger

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Written on 2024-01-11 by Cole Moon

Similar scenarios while [OC] was 10-18

I remember whenever my aunt and I would argue over unnecessary things, I would lose my temper and always end up sobbing in my room alone. 

These petty arguments always escalated, she would begin attacking me personally.

Fucking disgusting.




Until she decides to go upstairs to apologize and bribe me with some food.

It usually doesn't work at first but I would give in. 


Well because it's always better letting go and forgetting what happened in hopes of it never happening again.

But it always does.






People like that never change and it's harder to get rid of you whenever they were there for you in times of need.

They will cling onto you like a child who strives for your love and attention.

Except they cling onto until the point you can't let go without feeling guilt.

To the point it affects you.

Your anger engulfing you as a whole.

And through your eyes, to be heard is by yelling louder than the one shouting at you.

Making screaming or violence the only option.

It's hard to control, especially if they refuse to listen to you.




"I always do everything in this house why can't you do anything for once?!" (A)




The old hag was at it again, screaming at my face again. 

Her annoying voice, her wretched face.

I did nothing at all, she just screamed at me.

I never enjoyed her company and usually had to pretend that I enjoyed being around her.

But I'd always feel bad when I feel this way. 

She takes care of me but the hatred inside of me for her has grown over the years. 

Every time I see her or fucking hear her, it pisses me off.




"You're always in that damn room, playing games and talking with your friends" (A)

"Do you see your cousins?! They aren't lazy, they actually do shit around the house! They actually help. They're actually useful!" (A)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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