The Store.

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A few minutes later..


We finally made it to the store! And with all our limbs intact. The walk here was trickier than usual. Let's see..

Flashback to crossing the road..

"Mom, be careful." Notus yanks mom's arm to stop her from walking onto the road. We were trying to walk as fast as we could, but we couldn't make it in time to cross the road. Right when we get there, the green light glows on the traffic lights and the cars start moving again. Apparently, mom didn't see that and tried to cross the road anyway! Luckily, Notus grabbed her back before something serious could happen.

Mom shakes her head and looks at us. "Sorry, hun. I'm just.. ⁱˢᵗʳᵃᶜᵗᵉᵈ." That last part sounded muffled since mom started mumbling. She didn't look just distracted. Her eyes had this weird gloss over them, like she's not entirely here right now. Me and Notus share a look mixed with confusion and worry. I look back at mom.

"It's-.. it's fine, mom. Are you not feeling okay? We can go back home and do shopping another day." I offer. Nico gives a nod from behind me while Notus stares at her. Mom looked a little out of it today, but that's okay! We don't have to go shopping today. But mom shakes her head again.

"No, no, it's okay. I said we were going to go out today, and I meant it. Don't worry about me, just think about what you're going to buy, okay?" Mom gives us a smile. It looked forced, but we didn't say anything. We started walking when the red light appeared again.

Present time..

Aibu's was packed, as always. It's one of the newer stores, but the prices are affordable, and that's why it's more popular, at least that's what Notus says. It's been around for a year by now, we checked it out when it first opened to see how it was. Mom liked it. She stopped going to the other stores since they were more expensive, especially since that one store we used to go to raised their prices.

We walk in with mom as she grabbed a basket from the stack. She wasn't a fan of the carts most stores usually have.

I saw Nico eyeing it with a curious expression. "Mommy, I wanna hold it. Please?" He eventually said, walking closer to mom as he reached out and made grabbing motions with his hands. I thought it was cute, Notus was too busy looking at the aisles to notice what was happening. Typical.

"Sure, hun. Let me hold it again if it gets too heavy for you." Mom gave Nico a slight smile and handed the basket over to him. It was a little too big for him, so he had to use both hands to hold the handle. Nico smiled and nodded at mom as he played around with the basket while we walked.

We walked in the fruits and vegetables section as mom got one of those plastic bags from the roll things and started putting cucumbers in them.

"Notus, dear, could you go get the eggs?" Mom said, glancing at Notus as she put the bag of cucumbers in the basket Nico was holding. Notus nodded.

"Okay. I'll be back." He said before walking away and towards the area with a bunch of fridges that had stuff like eggs and milk in them. I don't really like that area, it's cold when one of the fridges gets opened. I guess that's normal, but I don't like the cold. Nico and Notus have no problem with it, though. That's one of the things I envy them for. I look back at mom.

"Mama, can we get chocolate?" I drag out the 'mama' and 'chocolate' parts. I sound a little whiny, but it helps me win people over. Mom looks at me with a slightly more regretful face.

"I'm sorry, hun, but we have to save money. We'll get chocolate next time, okay?" She said. I feel a little upset, but I get over it. It's not that I didn't expect that answer, but I was hoping mom would say yes. Most of the time she says no, but sometimes she says yes. The first time I ate chocolate was when I was 6. It was really good, and Nico liked it, too. Notus said he liked it but he didn't want any more, he's just weird like that, I guess.

But chocolate is a.. uhhh.. it's a luxury! Yeah, it's a luxury. The next and last times I ate chocolate was another time when I was 7 and yesterday on my 8th birthday. It's really good, but it's also expensive, at least for us. Notus said it's because we don't need chocolate, so buying it is wasting money.

I make a slight pout, but I drop it. "Aww.. okay."

Mom smiles and pats my head. "But let's see if they have apples. You like apples, right?" She said. I immediately brighten up and nodded. Behind me, Nico also nods. Mom chuckles a little and starts walking towards the area with the apples, grabbing another plastic bag. There were all sorts of different colors for the apples like red, yellow, and green. Nico and I point to a yellow and a red apple and look at mom who puts them in the bag. The green ones are too sour for us, but Notus likes them. Speaking of, where 𝒊𝒔 he? Did he get lost? Nah, we've gone to this store a million times, he's probably being lazy or something.



"Notus, dear, could you go get the eggs?" Mom asked me. I nod.

"Okay. I'll be back." I say before turning and walking towards the freezer section. I bump into some people, mumbling a few "sorry"s and "excuse me"s. There are downsides to going to a store where there are many other people, like barely making it through an aisle without hitting someone's cart on accident. A few people say sorry back, some people tell me to watch where I'm going. Some people are rude for no reason, but maybe they're just having a bad day, that's what mom always tells me.

Eventually, I make it to the freezer section and look for eggs. There was milk, some kind of cheese, heavy cream, etc. There was everything 𝒆𝒙𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕 for eggs. I keep looking and looking and I eventually find them.. on the top shelf of the fridge on the far right. Who makes these fridges and why are they so tall? I really don't want to go back to get mom and then come back here again. I sigh, probably looking a little annoyed to everyone else.

"Heya! Something wrong?" A random voice came from behind me. It didn't sound like Nyx or Nico, it sounded bubbly. I turn around and look at the person, expecting an adult or something.

What I'm met with is a boy my height with blonde hair and green eyes wearing a big smile on his face. He was wearing a baggy green T-shirt with brown shorts. His shoes were some kind of green and white boots that reached up to his knees. I raise an eyebrow.

"..Sorry, who are you?" I ask, looking at the other boy. He scratches his head with a grin.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that random sentence. I'm Kai!" The boy.. or Kai says back in an overly cheery voice for something as plain as an introduction. Not saying anything, I sigh and look to the side.

He looked like he could be a pain.

5th chapter done. It was shorter than my other chapters, but it's fine.
New character's here! I was originally going to put him later in the story but I thought it'd be better now.
Took a while to actually get Kai's character and development down, but I'm happy with where it's at right now. ❤︎
I recently got this font app, so I might use some of them in the chapters moving forward.
See you next chapter! ♡'・ᴗ・'♡ ( ˘ ³˘)~❤︎❤︎

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