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109 4 14

Your POV

You and your pokemon walk inside Allister's house just as the raging rain starts up, pattering against the windows. Gengar had already shut all the windows. Allister stood quite close to you, until he allowed you to use his bathroom to change into your comfiest pyjamas. When you walked into his room, he'd put is tracksuit set on, a Gengar purple, you noticed how his pokemon lazily slept all around the room. He invited your pokemon to do the same, but he noticed Nia took a spot quite close to you.

He put his mask on his bedside table, he didn't have any worries not wearing it in front of you now, he trusted you enough. He let you choose which side of the bed you wanted to sleep on, so you chose the side you thought wasn't slept on.

He takes out a spare blue pillow and puts it on the bed for you and you both get into bed, feeling almost comfortable lying so close to each other. Although another thunderstrike and Allister's huddled up at your side, his arms wrapped against your chest. You fold the blanket over you both and kiss him on the head as you try and get some sleep.

The Next Morning..

You had been woken up by your Rotom phone vibrating from a text you got from Victor. Tarp was awake and holding your Rotom phone to you. You sleepily take it and read the text in your head.

Hey Y/n :)
How are you?

What gym are you gonna do today?

How could Victor get up that early?? You were.. asleep. That's probably why he texted again at half passed 7. You answer back hastily.

I'm good, wbu?
I'll probably do the Fairy type gym next, Bede's gym I believe.

He didn't respond back. Yeah he was probably busy. You decided to quietly and carefully get up because Allister was still sleeping and quickly dress yourself in the clothes Nia thoughtfully brought for you, knowing you would freak out about having nothing to wear. And not be rude, but you were a bit taller than Allister, so even if he did suggest for you to wear his clothes, you physically wouldn't be able too.

You walk out of his bathroom wearing a long sleeved purple shirt with black jeans. You'd brushed your hair and tied it up, putting it further up in a claw clip. You decided to put socks on and left your black sneakers by the door because you knew you'd be heading out for the next gym soon. When you got back to the bedroom, Allister was sitting up with a scared face, but immediately calmed when he saw your figure walking through the door.

"Oh thank gods.. I thought.. you left me.." He says, sliding out of bed and grabbing his mask. "I'm sorry I made you worry so." You say sweetly and genuinely as you draw him in for a gentle hug. You kiss him on his head and then let him go so he can go to the bathroom too and get dressed.

With his absence, you open the blinds and stare outside with Tarp and Nia. Stow-on-side was coated with deep and shallow puddles, muddy grounds and overall with a gloomy and wet mood hanging around. The sun was out, but it wasn't enough to dry out all the water. You let out a deep sigh and a shiver as well, as it was cold. Nia handed you your black leather jacket for you to put on. You thank her again for her thoughtfulness.

When Allister gets back, he had Phoebe on his shoulder and had Grace following behind. "They're um.. wanting food.." You chuckle slightly at his words and beckon your pokemon at your side. "Alright, you know that you guys shouldn't be begging for food. I give you it every day, you know that. Now, what do we do at breakfast time?" You ask your pokemon, and they pant happily and line up in a straight line, tallest to shortest. "Brilliant. Nia?" Nia psychics four bowls in front of each of them. You decided to go get your bag that had all their favorite foods in it, you never went without their food.

A Ghostly Love ( Allister x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now