Chapter 6 - "I will get my revenge..."

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Loki was walking aimlessly around town.
"How could I be so stupid?!" He thought to himself.
"What if I loose her?"

All of a sudden, he was standing on a rocky ledge and looking at a huge golden throne.
"Who are you? Where did you bring me?"

He turned around and smiled huge.
"I would like to think you would remember this place."

Loki's fists clenched and he stepped forward.
"What the hell do you want? We are done...I told you that after that day...I am not going to help you anymore!!!"

Thanos stepped down the steps towards Loki.
"Oh, I am sure I can persuade you!" He said with a smug grin.
Loki walked forward towards him.
"You touch her and I will kill you!"
"You think you can keep me out of her head for long? You can barely keep me out of yours. I will have my revenge!!"

Loki jerked back in pain and was standing back on the street again. He got freaked and ran back towards Dr. Strange's house.
He knocked like a mad man on the door.
Strange opened the door, disheveled and half awake.
"What is it? Why are you hear so late?!"
"Where is she?? Is she still here and okay??!!!" He came frantically walking inside the door.
"Yes, of course...who else. He said he was not going to I need to know if she is safe.....please!"
He looked towards Strange with worry and fear in his eyes.

"I am okay. Please calm down. I am alright. I promise"
They hear from across the room.
Both look up and see Jamie standing in the hallway, watching them cautiously.

Loki let out a sigh of relief then slowly walked to be in front of her.
"Have....have you had anymore headaches tonight?"
He studied her to make sure she was telling the truth.
"No, I haven't. And you don't got to study me so hard. I wouldn't lie to you....least not about that..."
Loki couldn't help but smirk some and turned around to face Dr. Strange.
"We need to start on her training tomorrow morning....and telling her what is actually going on..."
"I am with him on this What training?!"
She stood with her arms folded now.

Loki turn back towards her and softly but sternly spoke.
"You need to learn some fighting skills...because Thanos is not going to just let you go. You need to be able to defend yourself!"

"Something tells me I know more than you are telling me."
She narrowed her eyes at Loki.

He sighed and nodded. "All in due time. I promise. Just please don't be mad at me. ...please my love!"
The last part he muttered soft enough she couldn't hear him.
Jamie simply nodded, she noticed he had said something else but didn't push.

"Tomorrow morning, then! I will meet you in the training room."

She turned and walked back to her bedroom. For some reason, she felt her heart break some. She wasn't 100% sure why...but she did notice it broke when she say his expression of her being mad at him.

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