chp. 3

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There was nobody in the world that could say with a full chest and a certain mind that they enjoyed Mondays.


Except maybe Delaney fucking Harding. But to be fair he also loved Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday, and Fridays. The weekends were cool too, but nothing would compare to the giddiness and over all joy he felt on weekdays all because of one person.

You would swear Delaney was going on a date or meeting up with Bellamy the way he's so excited to see her. Giddly smiling while driving slightly above the speed limit to get to his daughter's elementary school. But he is in fact just going to pick up his daughter, where he will happen to see Bellamy for 10 minutes at most.

What can he do though. He will take any interaction he can get, no matter how long. He pulls into the parking lot, not wasting any time sitting around. He's out the car in record speed and on the pavement leading to the school entrance. The school hallways are pretty empty, the occasional teacher or two is out and about doing what it is teachers do at this time of day.

Turning down one more hallway Delaney has Bellamy's classroom in sight and thanking the heavens above right about now that he has the stature he does because this walk would've been a far longer had he been a height starting with five.

Making it into the doorway, Delaney takes a quick scan of the room before his eyes land on the figure seated behind the teacher's desk. And admires as he always does because Bellamy is not a woman you can just look at; she is meant to be studied and taken in slowly and thoroughly.

"Do you ever get a day off from being Gods favorite?" Delaney speaks into the quiet classroom, void of anybody but them. Bellamy's head snaps up to face towards him before looking back at whatever she had been writing, placing her pen down and shaking her head slowly.

"Hello to you too, Mr. Harding. How was your day? Mine was lovely. That's usually how normally conversations between people go, especially for people of our kind of relation." Bellamy teases, standing from her chair and walking around her table to stand in front of it, facing the very charming and very unavailable man before her.

"Oooo. We have relations?" Wiggling his brows as he slightly smirks at her.

"Is that all you got from my sentence?!" She asks exasperated, she knows he does it on purpose (she hopes he does it on purpose) to make her lose her mind but she can't help that it works every time. The back and forth between them always brought her a sense of delight.

"How was your day, Ms. Fitz?"

"Oh! Well, actually today was very well. The kids are doing so good with their work, they have been getting ahead they finished all of their work fairly quickly today, so I let them have free time. I usually make them choose between having reading time, coloring time or the little educational games but nobody could figure out what they wanted to do, so I let them do whatever they wanted. Gave me a lot of time to catch up on grading, not that I was behind but now everything in the system, so I'm good for now. Also I went to this cute little..." She was ranting but Delaney couldn't be bother to stop her as he walked towards her leaning up against her desk standing a few feet away from her. The way she always spoke so enthusiastically about her day or things she enjoyed made him want to press her against himself and just hold her their in his embrace cause she was far to cute.

"And they had the cutest little cupcakes with little the cutest heart sprinkles and all kinds of frosting designs, I nearly bought the whole cafe. But yeah today was pretty-" Bellamy gasps, not finishing her last sentence because throughout her whole rant she had been staring at the floor recalling everything she had done today, making her oblivious to the man whose starry eyes are staring at her way too intently for the environment they are currently in.

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